One of the most frustrating experiences that any man that is trying to win back his ex girlfriend, is when it seems like she just wants to stay distant.
When a woman acts like this, it can make it seem like it is going to be impossible to win her back.
But, that is not necessarily the case.
After all, when you look at the stories of people that DO get back together, quite often there are instances where the woman did not want to have anything to do with her ex for a while.
When she is acting distant from you, it's easy to get caught up in feeling insecure, and wondering if she is going to leave for good, if she is going to find a new boyfriend, etc.
Thinking like this will drive you CRAZY, trust me.
I know, I have been there myself (though it was a long time ago) and I can tell you, it SUCKS.
Here's what you NEED to do when she is distant from you: Number #1- You need to open up lines of communication with her.
Luckily, with all of the many different ways that are out there to communicate, it's not so hard to try and open up lines of communication with your ex girlfriend.
A simple friend request can be enough, or a single text message.
Notice that I said a single text message, not 103! Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and trying to hard to open up communication can make you look like a stalker.
You need to be able to back off and be patient and see if she makes any kind of move.
Number #2- Don't make the conversations, the messages about getting back together.
If she is acting distant from you, then the last thing that you want to do is to push her further away.
And it will happen if you make every single conversation about getting back together.
When you get the opportunity to talk to her, just talk about normal things and toss in an occasional flirt here and there.
Don't go too heavy on this, cause you don't want her to think that all you are trying to do is to get back together.
Number #3- Learn the right way to use female psychology to get HER to want to talk to YOU about reconciling.
What most guys do not realize is, that with the proper techniques, you can make her want to get back together just as much as you do.
When you can make her feel that way, then you don't have to work so hard.
All of the 'hard' work is already done for you.
Now, all you have to do is follow the plan and you will be back with her faster than you possibly think.
When a woman acts like this, it can make it seem like it is going to be impossible to win her back.
But, that is not necessarily the case.
After all, when you look at the stories of people that DO get back together, quite often there are instances where the woman did not want to have anything to do with her ex for a while.
When she is acting distant from you, it's easy to get caught up in feeling insecure, and wondering if she is going to leave for good, if she is going to find a new boyfriend, etc.
Thinking like this will drive you CRAZY, trust me.
I know, I have been there myself (though it was a long time ago) and I can tell you, it SUCKS.
Here's what you NEED to do when she is distant from you: Number #1- You need to open up lines of communication with her.
Luckily, with all of the many different ways that are out there to communicate, it's not so hard to try and open up lines of communication with your ex girlfriend.
A simple friend request can be enough, or a single text message.
Notice that I said a single text message, not 103! Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and trying to hard to open up communication can make you look like a stalker.
You need to be able to back off and be patient and see if she makes any kind of move.
Number #2- Don't make the conversations, the messages about getting back together.
If she is acting distant from you, then the last thing that you want to do is to push her further away.
And it will happen if you make every single conversation about getting back together.
When you get the opportunity to talk to her, just talk about normal things and toss in an occasional flirt here and there.
Don't go too heavy on this, cause you don't want her to think that all you are trying to do is to get back together.
Number #3- Learn the right way to use female psychology to get HER to want to talk to YOU about reconciling.
What most guys do not realize is, that with the proper techniques, you can make her want to get back together just as much as you do.
When you can make her feel that way, then you don't have to work so hard.
All of the 'hard' work is already done for you.
Now, all you have to do is follow the plan and you will be back with her faster than you possibly think.