It's crushing when the love of your life walks out leaving you crying, heartbroken and alone.
People can leave for different reasons but essentially it comes down to whether they are happy in the relationship right now and whether they believe they will be happy in the relationship in the future.
Getting your ex back has to be taken seriously like anything else you want to achieve.
Without a solid plan, reason and focus, it will be hard to see progress and essentially they might end up being the one who got away.
The plan doesn't start with doing the first thing that comes to mind or feels right.
Many people make this mistake and dive into trying to convince their ex back by talking.
Telling your ex you have changed or will change; how much you love them and how you can't live without them, won't do you much good.
Many of these verbal attempts suggest you are focused on what 'you' want.
You can't persuade anyone to your way of thinking this way.
The reason is important and sometimes it takes a fair bit of soul-searching to discover exactly why we want what we want.
Why do people eat? Because they're hungry? Is this always true? Have you ever eaten something when you didn't feel hungry at all? The reason for wanting them back must be more than 'because otherwise I'll never truly be happy', 'otherwise I'll never find a person to love me'.
Is this really truth or are you just saying it to justify something else.
Remember if the relationship was going in the wrong direction, there were serious flaws that you might not have realized.
With a plan and solid reasons for wanting your ex back, next comes patience and faith.
Know in order to accomplish anything in this life we must have strong patience and persistence to get through it.
Getting your ex back can be accomplished in the same way, and perhaps once you understand how to give power back to yourself in this difficult situation, you will come out a stronger and better person for it.
People can leave for different reasons but essentially it comes down to whether they are happy in the relationship right now and whether they believe they will be happy in the relationship in the future.
Getting your ex back has to be taken seriously like anything else you want to achieve.
Without a solid plan, reason and focus, it will be hard to see progress and essentially they might end up being the one who got away.
The plan doesn't start with doing the first thing that comes to mind or feels right.
Many people make this mistake and dive into trying to convince their ex back by talking.
Telling your ex you have changed or will change; how much you love them and how you can't live without them, won't do you much good.
Many of these verbal attempts suggest you are focused on what 'you' want.
You can't persuade anyone to your way of thinking this way.
The reason is important and sometimes it takes a fair bit of soul-searching to discover exactly why we want what we want.
Why do people eat? Because they're hungry? Is this always true? Have you ever eaten something when you didn't feel hungry at all? The reason for wanting them back must be more than 'because otherwise I'll never truly be happy', 'otherwise I'll never find a person to love me'.
Is this really truth or are you just saying it to justify something else.
Remember if the relationship was going in the wrong direction, there were serious flaws that you might not have realized.
With a plan and solid reasons for wanting your ex back, next comes patience and faith.
Know in order to accomplish anything in this life we must have strong patience and persistence to get through it.
Getting your ex back can be accomplished in the same way, and perhaps once you understand how to give power back to yourself in this difficult situation, you will come out a stronger and better person for it.