The state of mind of a newly born baby is like a clean slate. It is comparable to a glass of pure water. But as the baby grows up through youth to manhood, slowly their mind is introduced to garbage thoughts filled with negativity and impurity. But this state of the mind can be changed by using self help techniques.
Like muddy water can be changed to cleaner water by diluting or filtering the impurities similarly the negative thoughts embedded within the mind can be removed by emerging the mind in pure, positive good thinking. Thereby the junk within us is cleaned and our positive thoughts bring positive results in life.
Since every individual is different and we all have different needs and mental make-up, hence there is no single such self-help technique that can help us all. We all need different types of self help techniques that will suit our mentality, life style, upbringing and professional and personal requirements as well.
The following are some useful self help techniques:
Our mind has both subconscious and conscious levels. Daily our mind processes nearly twenty thousand stimuli. But due to this it is only natural for the mind to be distracted all the times. Hence to prevent this, nature has devised a system by which our mind only focuses on one thing for a particular instant of time. This method is called the selective activation method. This method is highly active when you relax and hence the mind allows new information to be processed.
The key for personal growth is that you must relax and allow the free flow of thoughts between the conscious and the sub conscious level of your mind. In this way the logic that you will apply to your work will be more perfect.
This is the most basic of the technique of self help that will allow you to grow professionally and in your personal life as well.
Other self help techniques that can improve your quality of life are:
A change in your belief system. This is often necessary in order for personal improvement. Since the conscious mind utilizes the information stored in the subconscious therefore a better belief system will help you achieve your goals effectively.
The key to a life that is satisfying and full is filling up your subconscious with the thoughts of your desirable lifestyle. If your thoughts are simple, straightforward and positive towards your goals, then your subconscious mind will direct your thoughts into actions and your dreams will be invariably materialized.
Creative visualization is another very important tool to change your life dream into a reality. If you visualize your desirable life in your mind's reflective eye, then your mind starts to believe ion the dream to be true and directs your actions likewise.
Setting goals is very important and this also helps to develop self esteem. Having self esteem is the surer path to success.
Also a healthy lifestyle is very much required to bring improvement in thoughts. Both mind and body works to bring success.
Here are some important tips for a healthy lifestyle:
Get up early, exercise and eat a healthy breakfast.
Try to maintain a schedule of the work to be done through the day.
You must know when to take a break from working and to have fun. It is very important to unwind.
Try to be generous and accept the things that you cannot change.
Do not procrastinate and try to do something different everyday. This will boost your self confidence level too.
Like muddy water can be changed to cleaner water by diluting or filtering the impurities similarly the negative thoughts embedded within the mind can be removed by emerging the mind in pure, positive good thinking. Thereby the junk within us is cleaned and our positive thoughts bring positive results in life.
Since every individual is different and we all have different needs and mental make-up, hence there is no single such self-help technique that can help us all. We all need different types of self help techniques that will suit our mentality, life style, upbringing and professional and personal requirements as well.
The following are some useful self help techniques:
Our mind has both subconscious and conscious levels. Daily our mind processes nearly twenty thousand stimuli. But due to this it is only natural for the mind to be distracted all the times. Hence to prevent this, nature has devised a system by which our mind only focuses on one thing for a particular instant of time. This method is called the selective activation method. This method is highly active when you relax and hence the mind allows new information to be processed.
The key for personal growth is that you must relax and allow the free flow of thoughts between the conscious and the sub conscious level of your mind. In this way the logic that you will apply to your work will be more perfect.
This is the most basic of the technique of self help that will allow you to grow professionally and in your personal life as well.
Other self help techniques that can improve your quality of life are:
A change in your belief system. This is often necessary in order for personal improvement. Since the conscious mind utilizes the information stored in the subconscious therefore a better belief system will help you achieve your goals effectively.
The key to a life that is satisfying and full is filling up your subconscious with the thoughts of your desirable lifestyle. If your thoughts are simple, straightforward and positive towards your goals, then your subconscious mind will direct your thoughts into actions and your dreams will be invariably materialized.
Creative visualization is another very important tool to change your life dream into a reality. If you visualize your desirable life in your mind's reflective eye, then your mind starts to believe ion the dream to be true and directs your actions likewise.
Setting goals is very important and this also helps to develop self esteem. Having self esteem is the surer path to success.
Also a healthy lifestyle is very much required to bring improvement in thoughts. Both mind and body works to bring success.
Here are some important tips for a healthy lifestyle:
Get up early, exercise and eat a healthy breakfast.
Try to maintain a schedule of the work to be done through the day.
You must know when to take a break from working and to have fun. It is very important to unwind.
Try to be generous and accept the things that you cannot change.
Do not procrastinate and try to do something different everyday. This will boost your self confidence level too.