As we all know, men and women are different creatures! As a woman, you might well know what you ideal date would involve… but do you know what your date wants from the evening? Here are the top five things men say they want:
Being hard work on a date is one of the top turnoffs for men. Men enjoy feeling masculine but they don't want to do all the work all night. They want to be with someone whose company they can enjoy. And they aren't too hung up on good looks or posh frocks – they would rather share a laugh, be listened to, engage in some friendly banter and be rewarded with genuine smiles and appreciation.
Even though women may foster intimacy between themselves by sharing problems, this doesn't work so well for men, especially in a dating setting. When men hear problems they think they are being asked to fix them. If they can't fix them it can leave them feeling deflated and inadequate. (Or else, perish the thought, they see your nagging potential!)
Some people are more private than others but, as a general rule, men don't want to have too much information prised out of them too quickly. The more you poke around the more likely he is to shut down. Your date will tell you things at his own pace, especially information about past relationships. So go gently when it comes to questions, and if he isn't forthcoming back off and trust him to tell you more in his own time.
Generally, men say they want to feel they are the pursuer rather than the pursued. They prefer to initiate contact and like a woman who appears busy, mysterious and not too eager. Make it clear you are interested in your date but try to strike a balance between forthcoming and elusive – men's egos can be fragile!
No matter how ‘modern' a man is, chances are that he will still like to adopt a traditional role on a date. That means opening doors, taking your coat, pulling out your chair and, possibly, paying the bill (or at least offering to). None of this means he thinks of women as the weaker sex so just relax and go with the flow… you might even enjoy it!
Author Bio:
A people person and a relationships expert, I've recently turned my attention to helping online daters find love, happiness and fulfilment. I offer advice, guidance and tips to some of the largest online communities in Europe and the USA, including
1. To be with someone who is genuinely happy and engaging
Being hard work on a date is one of the top turnoffs for men. Men enjoy feeling masculine but they don't want to do all the work all night. They want to be with someone whose company they can enjoy. And they aren't too hung up on good looks or posh frocks – they would rather share a laugh, be listened to, engage in some friendly banter and be rewarded with genuine smiles and appreciation.
2. Not to hear all your problems
Even though women may foster intimacy between themselves by sharing problems, this doesn't work so well for men, especially in a dating setting. When men hear problems they think they are being asked to fix them. If they can't fix them it can leave them feeling deflated and inadequate. (Or else, perish the thought, they see your nagging potential!)
3. Not to be interrogated
Some people are more private than others but, as a general rule, men don't want to have too much information prised out of them too quickly. The more you poke around the more likely he is to shut down. Your date will tell you things at his own pace, especially information about past relationships. So go gently when it comes to questions, and if he isn't forthcoming back off and trust him to tell you more in his own time.
4. To do the chasing
Generally, men say they want to feel they are the pursuer rather than the pursued. They prefer to initiate contact and like a woman who appears busy, mysterious and not too eager. Make it clear you are interested in your date but try to strike a balance between forthcoming and elusive – men's egos can be fragile!
5. To be allowed to be a man
No matter how ‘modern' a man is, chances are that he will still like to adopt a traditional role on a date. That means opening doors, taking your coat, pulling out your chair and, possibly, paying the bill (or at least offering to). None of this means he thinks of women as the weaker sex so just relax and go with the flow… you might even enjoy it!
Author Bio:
A people person and a relationships expert, I've recently turned my attention to helping online daters find love, happiness and fulfilment. I offer advice, guidance and tips to some of the largest online communities in Europe and the USA, including