Women's tests are one of the most fascinating parts of the dating game.
Even if you're not immediately familiar with the concept, you of course know the classic "Does my butt look fat in these jeans?" test.
It's been extracted into popular culture as the symbol of this funny (on the surface) part of human behaviour.
What's it all about? It's a long and deep topic - I don't really want to address it fully in this post - but in summary: If a woman is looking to get involved in any kind of relationship with a man (even if it's only for one night...
), she wants to look for some kind of security.
Again, another long topic, but let's just agree that at some level, normal women need some level of security before they can open up to a man.
All the tests, and there are many, involve pushing the man and seeing if he moves, to test his stability.
Before you abseil off a cliff, you're going to check the tree you've chosen as an anchor pretty bloody carefully.
You're going to push it hard it all directions and make sure that fucker isn't going to move an inch before you trust your life to it.
Before you jump off a cliff into a river, you're going to make pretty damn sure there's no rock beneath the surface that you're going to break your neck on.
This is what women are doing with their tests.
They are pushing you as hard as they can, genuinely trying to move you, but hoping that you won't move.
If they've done everything to you and can't move you, they breathe a sigh of relief and can relax for a moment.
Many of you have probably had this experience, and I hope that for the rest you will get to a point where you can experience it too, because it's fun: a girl is screaming at you for whatever reason, and you refuse to change your mind no matter how upset she gets.
Then suddenly she softens and you get the hottest kiss of your life.
Or whatever else.
It seems crazy if you don't know what's going on: but she was testing the water and found out that it was OK to take a jump with you.
Even if you're not immediately familiar with the concept, you of course know the classic "Does my butt look fat in these jeans?" test.
It's been extracted into popular culture as the symbol of this funny (on the surface) part of human behaviour.
What's it all about? It's a long and deep topic - I don't really want to address it fully in this post - but in summary: If a woman is looking to get involved in any kind of relationship with a man (even if it's only for one night...
), she wants to look for some kind of security.
Again, another long topic, but let's just agree that at some level, normal women need some level of security before they can open up to a man.
All the tests, and there are many, involve pushing the man and seeing if he moves, to test his stability.
Before you abseil off a cliff, you're going to check the tree you've chosen as an anchor pretty bloody carefully.
You're going to push it hard it all directions and make sure that fucker isn't going to move an inch before you trust your life to it.
Before you jump off a cliff into a river, you're going to make pretty damn sure there's no rock beneath the surface that you're going to break your neck on.
This is what women are doing with their tests.
They are pushing you as hard as they can, genuinely trying to move you, but hoping that you won't move.
If they've done everything to you and can't move you, they breathe a sigh of relief and can relax for a moment.
Many of you have probably had this experience, and I hope that for the rest you will get to a point where you can experience it too, because it's fun: a girl is screaming at you for whatever reason, and you refuse to change your mind no matter how upset she gets.
Then suddenly she softens and you get the hottest kiss of your life.
Or whatever else.
It seems crazy if you don't know what's going on: but she was testing the water and found out that it was OK to take a jump with you.