Have you ever wondered if guys gush about their crushes the same way girls do? They do.
You wouldn't believe the things they tell their buddies, and you'd be shocked to know that often, it's not the super long legs and the great curves.
Attraction for guys begins on a physical level, but five minutes is as long as this phase lasts.
After their ogling time is up, they move on to appreciate other things ladies never knew guys even noticed.
Here's what really attracts guys, and how you can keep your man hooked on you.
It's not the makeup, but what's underneath.
In Pretty Woman, there's a scene where Richard Gere catches Julia Roberts asleep, without her blonde bob wig and her rainbow makeup.
Her face is clean, pristine and peaceful, and her hair is flowing and naturally red.
He is obviously taken.
In the same way, guys enjoy how girls do their faces, but they'd just rather see that clear skin underneath.
Healthy skin that glows in any weather is a turn-on for any guy.
And a lot of them hate the stickiness of makeup foundation anyway.
It's those little body parts girls are so shy about.
Again, it's not the legs.
It's those little toes.
It's not the arms, it's your smooth underarm and how you stay away from him when you're all sweaty.
Some guys gush about how their girlfriends still smell like peaches after a long jog.
You don't have to be Tyra or Beyonce to attract a guy.
You just need to keep your hygiene in check.
Don't worry, they find those imperfections cute.
If you are obsessed about your little nose and think it makes you look ugly, someone out there is obsessing about how cute your face with it.
The thing you have to know about guys is that they may do a double take on a hottie, but will always scrutinize pieces and come to appreciate particulars about you which you never liked.
Several guys have boosted their girl's self-esteem this way.
It's that bounce in your step.
Speaking of self-esteem, guys are immensely taken by girls who have that "I love life" attitude.
There's a reason guys don't go to romantic movies - they hate the drama.
They are built to be practical, and to take life as it happens.
A confident girl is well-liked because she carries her emotions maturely, and spreads all that positivity anywhere she goes.
Most of all, it tells a guy she is happy, and won't depend on him to make life worth living.
Guys hate that kind of pressure.
Make him feel needed.
He is built with an ego so big you can't fathom.
But the secret to keeping a guy attracted to you is actually making him feel like a hero in your life.
Now your eyebrows are drawn together as you ask, "But I thought you said guys love independent and confident women?" There's a thin red line between being confident and making your man feel needed.
For instance, you earn big bucks and can buy yourself all the nice clothes and shoes you want.
But once in a while, it's nice to take the special guy in your life along, so he can see you fit different outfits and you can ask him for his opinion from time to time.
He will feel he's important to you, and that counts a lot.
Know your current events.
Have you ever sat at a dinner table and everyone starts talking about an important economic headline that you had not heard about until now? Then everyone expects you to say something but all you can offer is a sheepish grin, or a few mumbled bluffs? It's a really embarrassing situation to be in, and it's as embarrassing for your date.
Guys are attracted to girls who can speak their mind sensibly and express opinions on just about anything confidently and smartly.
It pays to read the newspaper (not the tabloids) or watch the news.
It tells your guy you are culturally educated and have a good social conscience.
Finally, it's your ability to care.
In the animal world, males have a way of picking their partners, and usually, the ability to care for and nurse their young is a crucial criteria.
It's the same with humans - guys are instinctively drawn to women who are caring, because they would make good mothers and wives.
Of course, people don't think about this in the early stages of dating, but it's an instinct based on the fact that guys look up to their own caring mothers as a role model for the person they would pick as partners.
You wouldn't believe the things they tell their buddies, and you'd be shocked to know that often, it's not the super long legs and the great curves.
Attraction for guys begins on a physical level, but five minutes is as long as this phase lasts.
After their ogling time is up, they move on to appreciate other things ladies never knew guys even noticed.
Here's what really attracts guys, and how you can keep your man hooked on you.
It's not the makeup, but what's underneath.
In Pretty Woman, there's a scene where Richard Gere catches Julia Roberts asleep, without her blonde bob wig and her rainbow makeup.
Her face is clean, pristine and peaceful, and her hair is flowing and naturally red.
He is obviously taken.
In the same way, guys enjoy how girls do their faces, but they'd just rather see that clear skin underneath.
Healthy skin that glows in any weather is a turn-on for any guy.
And a lot of them hate the stickiness of makeup foundation anyway.
It's those little body parts girls are so shy about.
Again, it's not the legs.
It's those little toes.
It's not the arms, it's your smooth underarm and how you stay away from him when you're all sweaty.
Some guys gush about how their girlfriends still smell like peaches after a long jog.
You don't have to be Tyra or Beyonce to attract a guy.
You just need to keep your hygiene in check.
Don't worry, they find those imperfections cute.
If you are obsessed about your little nose and think it makes you look ugly, someone out there is obsessing about how cute your face with it.
The thing you have to know about guys is that they may do a double take on a hottie, but will always scrutinize pieces and come to appreciate particulars about you which you never liked.
Several guys have boosted their girl's self-esteem this way.
It's that bounce in your step.
Speaking of self-esteem, guys are immensely taken by girls who have that "I love life" attitude.
There's a reason guys don't go to romantic movies - they hate the drama.
They are built to be practical, and to take life as it happens.
A confident girl is well-liked because she carries her emotions maturely, and spreads all that positivity anywhere she goes.
Most of all, it tells a guy she is happy, and won't depend on him to make life worth living.
Guys hate that kind of pressure.
Make him feel needed.
He is built with an ego so big you can't fathom.
But the secret to keeping a guy attracted to you is actually making him feel like a hero in your life.
Now your eyebrows are drawn together as you ask, "But I thought you said guys love independent and confident women?" There's a thin red line between being confident and making your man feel needed.
For instance, you earn big bucks and can buy yourself all the nice clothes and shoes you want.
But once in a while, it's nice to take the special guy in your life along, so he can see you fit different outfits and you can ask him for his opinion from time to time.
He will feel he's important to you, and that counts a lot.
Know your current events.
Have you ever sat at a dinner table and everyone starts talking about an important economic headline that you had not heard about until now? Then everyone expects you to say something but all you can offer is a sheepish grin, or a few mumbled bluffs? It's a really embarrassing situation to be in, and it's as embarrassing for your date.
Guys are attracted to girls who can speak their mind sensibly and express opinions on just about anything confidently and smartly.
It pays to read the newspaper (not the tabloids) or watch the news.
It tells your guy you are culturally educated and have a good social conscience.
Finally, it's your ability to care.
In the animal world, males have a way of picking their partners, and usually, the ability to care for and nurse their young is a crucial criteria.
It's the same with humans - guys are instinctively drawn to women who are caring, because they would make good mothers and wives.
Of course, people don't think about this in the early stages of dating, but it's an instinct based on the fact that guys look up to their own caring mothers as a role model for the person they would pick as partners.