Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 Summer Picnic Date Ideas

 Now that the weather is warmer, you might want to consider having your next date with your special someone in the great outdoors.
Summer picnic dates can give you two plenty of alone time, they're sensual, personal and they're perfect if you want to relax and get to know someone at the same time.
Here are three summer picnic date ideas that will ensure that you and your special someone share a very memorable experience.
Food And Drink If you are going to plan a summer picnic date, make sure you are familiar with your date's likes and dislikes and food allergies that could make the date extra interesting.
Be sly about asking these things if you don't want to give the surprise away, but it's far better to ask beforehand so that you can ensure a great time.
The Local Park Parks are good because there are other people around so your date won't think that you're trying to kidnap them or vice versa.
Parks are great for the first couple of dates because, again, it's in a public place and the person is most likely familiar with the area if you are both local.
Many parks also have picnic tables and barbecue grills that will make for a fun and exciting afternoon.
The Beach Beaches are also usually packed with other people, so if you are going to use the beach summer picnic date idea, make sure you pick a secluded spot where the two of you can talk.
The biggest obstacle with the beach is trying to keep the sand out of your food and drinks.
Bring a thick blanket that you both can sit on and maybe even folding chairs and a small folding table.
These objects can be purchased at any Wal-Mart or Target and they can make for a fun beach outing with just the right person.
Your Back Yard If you are strapped for cash and you want to do something different, there is no reason why you can't have a summer picnic in your backyard.
If you have a barbecue grill, you can sit out and drink lemonade, beer or whatever else you want to drink until the food is ready.
This gives you time to talk and get to know each other.
You can also play games like horseshoes or cornhole to keep it extra interesting.
These fun summer picnic date ideas are a nice variation from the standard dinner or coffee date and they allow you to reconnect with nature, which most people are missing nowadays.
Take advantage of the warm weather and tell your date that you have something different planned this time.
Whether you take your date to the park, the beach or you stay in your own back yard, you're sure to have a special time neither of you will soon forget.
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