Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Leading With Character

What is the essence of your character, who are you really? We all lead from where we stand.
Those we lead or those who choose to follow us all see us one way.
But are they really seeing the real you? I have worked with professionals of all levels.
I am always pleasantly pleased to see their real essence.
One of my clients has the ability to deliver one liners that would fill the room with laughter at any Los Vegas comedy club.
Another is able to put a unique spin on difficult circumstances and one more has a giggle that would warm your heart.
These are wonderful traits of their character.
Character is defined as the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person or thing.
I like the definition proposed by actor Sidney Poitier.
He states that character is always there to heal when dignity is stripped away from human life and trampled on with calculated disregard.
Character, like hope, dreams, and expectations, is a driving force in human beings that prepares the way for the emergence of the best of all there is inside us.
So the question is what are you character traits? And, probably more importantly, are you showing them to others? I was surprised to learn that my jester client was reviewed by her peers and employees as being rigid, operational and procedure focused.
Wonder why she did not share her unique character with her staff? Can you speculate to what the answer might be? She, like many leaders, felt that if she showed her human side she would lose the ability to supervise her employees, that her wand of power might be diminished.
Would it be beneficial to know that being human is what motivates those around you to also be at their personal best? One of our most important must- haves in life, other than food, is social connection with others.
What better connects people than the show of humanness, expressing a comic relief sentence, an individual perspective being voiced or the sound of childlike laughter? Many leaders are seeking the how to tools to engage those around them, taking leadership classes, studying persuasion or using team building exercises.
We all know that engagement has a direct affect on how well we feel about our work and greatly impacts performance, profits and sustainability of companies.
But what about your character, could that not play a role too? Is it possible that just being human could just be the magic tool you are seeking? So take a personal scan of your characteristics.
Bring them to work with you.
My clients did and those in contact with them discovered how pleasurable they were to be around and valued their uniqueness.
Work became easier.
Now they too could be human and show off their character.
So, blurt out your one liner, find your childish giggle, bring out your unique character.
We long to see it.
Get started right now.
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