When your ex boyfriend told you he needed a break, he thought he was using a more gentle way to breakup with you, but you knew what he meant. It hurt just as bad and came as much of a surprise as if a truck had hit you. He had been acting a little distant, but you thought it could be something bothering him at work or with his family and he just did not want to talk about it. Now you feel like a fool for not seeing what was coming. You shouldn't because this happens to millions of women all over the world everyday. So, stop beating on yourself! Do you want your ex boyfriend to beg for your love? If you do, here is how to make him come running back to you.
When a guy breaks up with his girlfriend, he is pretty sure that she still loves him and wants him back. This allows him to sit smugly and watch her chase after him screaming that she cannot live without him. This inflates his ego and gives him the chance to go out, date other women and have a good time. All the time he knows that when he has had all of the good times he wants, you will be there waiting. To get your ex back, you cannot play his game. You need to do what he does not expect and make him think he could lose you.
If you have been chasing your ex boyfriend, or calling, sending emails and text messages, begging him to love you again, stop doing it immediately. Do you want your ex to beg for your love? If you do, you cannot be begging for his. Make a vow right now that you will have no contact with him for several weeks. During this time you are going to think of yourself and keep your ex boyfriend off your mind as much as possible. The best thing you could do is take a vacation, or at least visit out of town relatives and friends.
While you are gone, visit a good salon and get a new hair style and maybe change the color. Go shopping for new clothes that will make you look hot and desirable. When you get back, round up some girlfriends and hit the spots your ex boyfriend hangs out. Let him get a good look at you and leave. Do not let him get close enough for conversation. Seeing you looking so desirable and having a good time without him will blow his mind. He will immediately see that he could lose you, and he will decide he had better cut his playing around short.
You will be getting phone calls from you ex after he has seen how great you look, but let him leave messages. After a few days, make sure you have your emotions in check and return his call. Tell him you are glad he called because you have been wanting to tell him the breakup was a good idea. Add that you wish him luck and good bye. End of conversation!
When a guy breaks up with his girlfriend, he is pretty sure that she still loves him and wants him back. This allows him to sit smugly and watch her chase after him screaming that she cannot live without him. This inflates his ego and gives him the chance to go out, date other women and have a good time. All the time he knows that when he has had all of the good times he wants, you will be there waiting. To get your ex back, you cannot play his game. You need to do what he does not expect and make him think he could lose you.
If you have been chasing your ex boyfriend, or calling, sending emails and text messages, begging him to love you again, stop doing it immediately. Do you want your ex to beg for your love? If you do, you cannot be begging for his. Make a vow right now that you will have no contact with him for several weeks. During this time you are going to think of yourself and keep your ex boyfriend off your mind as much as possible. The best thing you could do is take a vacation, or at least visit out of town relatives and friends.
While you are gone, visit a good salon and get a new hair style and maybe change the color. Go shopping for new clothes that will make you look hot and desirable. When you get back, round up some girlfriends and hit the spots your ex boyfriend hangs out. Let him get a good look at you and leave. Do not let him get close enough for conversation. Seeing you looking so desirable and having a good time without him will blow his mind. He will immediately see that he could lose you, and he will decide he had better cut his playing around short.
You will be getting phone calls from you ex after he has seen how great you look, but let him leave messages. After a few days, make sure you have your emotions in check and return his call. Tell him you are glad he called because you have been wanting to tell him the breakup was a good idea. Add that you wish him luck and good bye. End of conversation!