If you can't seem to find a girlfriend in your real world, them maybe you can find one online.
As we all know, Facebook is a good arena to make lots of people your friends and also to meet some "girl" friends there.
However, dating on Facebook can be challenging at first, especially when you are not equipped with skills on how to even begin.
Although the Facebook interface makes it a whole lot easier to ask someone out, being rejected could somehow cause you your reputation Here are some things you will need to avoid when dating on Facebook: 1.
Judging more on the physical and nothing more about the personal Whether she is a common friend, or someone whose profile you chanced upon randomly, you may be attracted greatly by her profile picture.
Here's the deal breaker.
As you stare deep into her profile picture, you create an image of her in your mind.
she looks absolutely gorgeous in her pictures and if that is the only thing that comes into your mind when you look at her then you won't be that much interested in her personality.
Dating in Facebook will somehow end up in a better way if you get to know each other more and if you have that right motivation to move on.
Don't ask too much questions What you read in your date's profile may be something you read in a lot of other people's profiles, so you may be less interested.
During the dating process, you must ask your partner a couple of questions.
Use the chat box to ask about her day, or what her status message means.
If you have a crush on Facebook, try to know more about her interest, and see if it fits yours.
You might as well talk about common activities or the likes.
If you have that limits in asking, well better luck next time.
Dating with many people to help If you are interested in a girl on Facebook, the biggest deal breaker is having several other girls on the side.
The world of Facebook isn't really different from the real world.
You would still express your feelings with real people here.
Dating on Facebook can become complicated with several girls because it's possible to see how all of you are connected.
You wouldn't want to be caught so don't let there be a reason for getting caught.
Over-analyzing When you are just starting to get to know a girl and dating her on Facebook, it can be easy to think that every response, status message or wall post has a meaning and has something to do with you.
Being paranoid will make you worried for nothing.
It will dampen your confidence and cause you to fail in a relationship before it has even begun.
Showing Off If you are dating a girl on Facebook to show off, or to get back at an ex, you are clearly not on the right track.
If you decide that you would like to go dating on Facebook, make sure you are genuinely interested in others and are not gaining benefit on the expense of others.
Dating on face book is fun and interesting.
However, similar to the real world, there are a few limitations to that.
As we all know, Facebook is a good arena to make lots of people your friends and also to meet some "girl" friends there.
However, dating on Facebook can be challenging at first, especially when you are not equipped with skills on how to even begin.
Although the Facebook interface makes it a whole lot easier to ask someone out, being rejected could somehow cause you your reputation Here are some things you will need to avoid when dating on Facebook: 1.
Judging more on the physical and nothing more about the personal Whether she is a common friend, or someone whose profile you chanced upon randomly, you may be attracted greatly by her profile picture.
Here's the deal breaker.
As you stare deep into her profile picture, you create an image of her in your mind.
she looks absolutely gorgeous in her pictures and if that is the only thing that comes into your mind when you look at her then you won't be that much interested in her personality.
Dating in Facebook will somehow end up in a better way if you get to know each other more and if you have that right motivation to move on.
Don't ask too much questions What you read in your date's profile may be something you read in a lot of other people's profiles, so you may be less interested.
During the dating process, you must ask your partner a couple of questions.
Use the chat box to ask about her day, or what her status message means.
If you have a crush on Facebook, try to know more about her interest, and see if it fits yours.
You might as well talk about common activities or the likes.
If you have that limits in asking, well better luck next time.
Dating with many people to help If you are interested in a girl on Facebook, the biggest deal breaker is having several other girls on the side.
The world of Facebook isn't really different from the real world.
You would still express your feelings with real people here.
Dating on Facebook can become complicated with several girls because it's possible to see how all of you are connected.
You wouldn't want to be caught so don't let there be a reason for getting caught.
Over-analyzing When you are just starting to get to know a girl and dating her on Facebook, it can be easy to think that every response, status message or wall post has a meaning and has something to do with you.
Being paranoid will make you worried for nothing.
It will dampen your confidence and cause you to fail in a relationship before it has even begun.
Showing Off If you are dating a girl on Facebook to show off, or to get back at an ex, you are clearly not on the right track.
If you decide that you would like to go dating on Facebook, make sure you are genuinely interested in others and are not gaining benefit on the expense of others.
Dating on face book is fun and interesting.
However, similar to the real world, there are a few limitations to that.