Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Corporate Dating 101

If you thought that corporate dating was only for desperate singles who could not find a date the old fashioned way, think again. Every year, more eligible, highly successful singles are trying match making – with super busy lives, and little time to sift through a procession of uncomfortable and mis-matched blind dates or set ups, let alone drunken encounters at bars, savvy singles have realised the opportunities that abound online. As the web and its technologies develop, so does the dating industry, ensuring an entirely different experience to the rather embarrassingly and very seldom discussed earlier days of dating online.

So who is trying corporate dating, and how has the classic profile of an online dater changed? In South Africa, the trend is still only just picking up, while in the US there are some 40 million singles who are trying match making services. China has an even bigger demand, with a massive 140 million people using dating services. A large number of singles who use a dating service seek and often find marriage, and interestingly enough the average time that couples who meet online spend together before taking things to the next level is just over 18 months, while couples meeting the old fashioned way tend to spend about 42 months together before getting married.

If you thought that it was ok to embellish the truth just a little bit on your profile, you are not alone – a large number of singles are not entirely honest. The most common thing that men lie about is their age, income and height, while women are more likely to lie about their age, weight and body type. On a scarier note, in the US studies have shown that approximately one in ten members is a scammer. This is why it is so important to only ever use a corporate dating service that screens applicants carefully, and to always choose a local service in your town to ensure that scammers have less opportunity. Gone are the days when one can share too much information too, and giving out any personal information online is an absolute taboo in today's current dating scene.

The good news is that there is a more or less even amount of men and women trying dating services. In the US, it is almost 50/50, however in South Africa there are generally more men (something that is true about bars, clubs and many other dating venues too however!). The average age varies from 18 to 45, with a somewhat larger percentage of 45+ singles. Many divorcees use dating services to look for another shot at love, and this is also one of the ages that benefit the most from corporate dating as it allows the chance to connect with other older singles or divorcees in their areas.

The biggest new rule to remember when it comes to dating services is that it's no longer about quantity. Singles are not willing to settle for large numbers of unsuitable matches, and would rather spend a bit of money on a dating service fee to ensure that they are matched with eligible partners who share their interests, values and aspirations. Simply put, singles want to find the right sort of partner and meet the right sort of people. This means that free services with millions of random applicants are no longer making the cut, while reputable services with good reputations and quality members are the biggest corporate dating trend by far.
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