Beautiful women, do I really want to date them? That is a question that you should be asking yourself.
We are not talking about the average girl that you see every day.
We are talking about beautiful women.
The one that every red blood male goes weak about and desires.
Every man wants to date a beautiful woman but the big shock is that most men never give themselves the chance.
The reason is that most do not even try to date beautiful women.
The usual reaction of the majority of men when they see a beautiful women is to stand there staring at her dreaming about what they could do to her! Then they settle for a less attractive women.
They didn't even let themselves try to attract the beautiful woman.
The bad news is that 99% of men go through this and make all sorts of stupid reasons for not approaching attractive women.
This leaves 1%.
These men are not afraid to take a chance.
They may get blown out but unlike 1% they tried.
The lesson here is that if you want to attract beautiful women is that you have to go and approach them, take a chance.
They are no different to less attractive women.
The only real reason that men do not approach beautiful women is that they are nervous.
This can be cured.
Firstly you have to learn to be more positive.
Do this by creating a list of affirmations.
These are to be used to reprogram your mind into a more positive state.
An example is: 1.
I am handsome 2.
Women want me to approach them 3.
I am a good and exciting conversationalist 4.
I have a very good sense of humour Use these or similar on a regular basis and they will teach you to be more positive and you will be able to start to approach women in a very positive manner.
Another answer is a little more difficult to answer but none the less essential.
You really must learn how to communicate to women.
Nearly all men have no idea how to talk to them to create attraction in the first place.
We are talking about knowing how to flirt.
If you are simply asking questions you are not flirting with her and this is the point most men completely miss.
Flirting is about creating sexual tension, about making her crave your attention.
If you want to attract and have dates with beautiful women then you need to know how to flirt.
Create that sexual tension between you both.
Build up banter with her and get a date.
Flirting is not a complicated skill and it is really easy to learn.
As you are serious about dating beautiful women I have prepared a course for you so that I help you get a date within one hour from now.
We are not talking about the average girl that you see every day.
We are talking about beautiful women.
The one that every red blood male goes weak about and desires.
Every man wants to date a beautiful woman but the big shock is that most men never give themselves the chance.
The reason is that most do not even try to date beautiful women.
The usual reaction of the majority of men when they see a beautiful women is to stand there staring at her dreaming about what they could do to her! Then they settle for a less attractive women.
They didn't even let themselves try to attract the beautiful woman.
The bad news is that 99% of men go through this and make all sorts of stupid reasons for not approaching attractive women.
This leaves 1%.
These men are not afraid to take a chance.
They may get blown out but unlike 1% they tried.
The lesson here is that if you want to attract beautiful women is that you have to go and approach them, take a chance.
They are no different to less attractive women.
The only real reason that men do not approach beautiful women is that they are nervous.
This can be cured.
Firstly you have to learn to be more positive.
Do this by creating a list of affirmations.
These are to be used to reprogram your mind into a more positive state.
An example is: 1.
I am handsome 2.
Women want me to approach them 3.
I am a good and exciting conversationalist 4.
I have a very good sense of humour Use these or similar on a regular basis and they will teach you to be more positive and you will be able to start to approach women in a very positive manner.
Another answer is a little more difficult to answer but none the less essential.
You really must learn how to communicate to women.
Nearly all men have no idea how to talk to them to create attraction in the first place.
We are talking about knowing how to flirt.
If you are simply asking questions you are not flirting with her and this is the point most men completely miss.
Flirting is about creating sexual tension, about making her crave your attention.
If you want to attract and have dates with beautiful women then you need to know how to flirt.
Create that sexual tension between you both.
Build up banter with her and get a date.
Flirting is not a complicated skill and it is really easy to learn.
As you are serious about dating beautiful women I have prepared a course for you so that I help you get a date within one hour from now.