They were twin boys born at 23 weeks.
While their mother sat day after day- worn, frazzled, and anxious at their bedsides, their father paced.
He approached me at least weekly to ask, "Do you think they're going to have CP?" I told him that there is no crystal ball here.
They were doing well today.
And that day by day is the only way to get through the roller-coaster ride of infants born at 23 weeks.
That today, there were developmentally appropriate for their age.
However, it became clear he wanted information.
He reminded me of one of my brothers who deals with stressful situations by immersing himself in the knowledge of it.
It's how he's wired.
Everyone copes differently.
Some families want every shred of information.
Others don't want to know the long term info, they'd rather let things unfold.
It's why we individualize care.
So I provided him with the information and evidence he requested (though sparse for 23 week twins over a decade ago).
And perhaps surprisingly, he was comforted by this.
He just wanted to know what they were potentially facing.
Those twins are in junior high school now and thriving.
Early intervention after the NICU? Yes.
And thriving.
It's our job as neonatal therapists to know the latest evidence on developmental outcomes.
Do you know enough to appropriately educate parents? Are you the go-to person in your NICU regarding developmental outcomes? It's vital that you do know enough and that you are (or become) that person.
Fortunately, Dr.
Anderson is going to update you about many of these outcomes! In her abstract submission, Alice Anderson PT, DPT, MS, PCS asked the following questions: Are you aware of what neurodevelopmental outcomes are associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)? Do outcomes differ between babies with NEC who required only medical intervention versus babies who required surgical intervention? Did you know that babies with congenital heart disease who require at least one palliative intermediate repair have a higher risk of gross motor delays? And MUCH more.
This is why the NANT Conference is unique.
It is designed to provide what YOU need every day to practice as a specialist in the NICU.
This is what sets you apart.
Part of what makes you incredibly valuable to the team.
As you know, development doesn't wait until discharge from the NICU.
Part of being an effective neonatal therapist is knowing what you're up against and mitigating the effects of it.
We cannot settle for providing a blind sweep of developmental interventions and hope we're doing the right thing.
We must know we are.
Show up and become a leader in your practice.
Know the evidence.
Practice and educate accordingly.
How do you do this?
While their mother sat day after day- worn, frazzled, and anxious at their bedsides, their father paced.
He approached me at least weekly to ask, "Do you think they're going to have CP?" I told him that there is no crystal ball here.
They were doing well today.
And that day by day is the only way to get through the roller-coaster ride of infants born at 23 weeks.
That today, there were developmentally appropriate for their age.
However, it became clear he wanted information.
He reminded me of one of my brothers who deals with stressful situations by immersing himself in the knowledge of it.
It's how he's wired.
Everyone copes differently.
Some families want every shred of information.
Others don't want to know the long term info, they'd rather let things unfold.
It's why we individualize care.
So I provided him with the information and evidence he requested (though sparse for 23 week twins over a decade ago).
And perhaps surprisingly, he was comforted by this.
He just wanted to know what they were potentially facing.
Those twins are in junior high school now and thriving.
Early intervention after the NICU? Yes.
And thriving.
It's our job as neonatal therapists to know the latest evidence on developmental outcomes.
Do you know enough to appropriately educate parents? Are you the go-to person in your NICU regarding developmental outcomes? It's vital that you do know enough and that you are (or become) that person.
Fortunately, Dr.
Anderson is going to update you about many of these outcomes! In her abstract submission, Alice Anderson PT, DPT, MS, PCS asked the following questions: Are you aware of what neurodevelopmental outcomes are associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)? Do outcomes differ between babies with NEC who required only medical intervention versus babies who required surgical intervention? Did you know that babies with congenital heart disease who require at least one palliative intermediate repair have a higher risk of gross motor delays? And MUCH more.
This is why the NANT Conference is unique.
It is designed to provide what YOU need every day to practice as a specialist in the NICU.
This is what sets you apart.
Part of what makes you incredibly valuable to the team.
As you know, development doesn't wait until discharge from the NICU.
Part of being an effective neonatal therapist is knowing what you're up against and mitigating the effects of it.
We cannot settle for providing a blind sweep of developmental interventions and hope we're doing the right thing.
We must know we are.
Show up and become a leader in your practice.
Know the evidence.
Practice and educate accordingly.
How do you do this?
- Register
- Learn
- Take this information back to your NICU
- Experience the thrill and relief of knowing you're in alignment with the latest evidence.