A MAN WITH NO PROBLEMS is as good as dead.
It is problems that heighten our sense of living, and it is problems that make us grow.
An ancient Hindu prayer says: Lead me from darkness to light, Lead me from ignorance to knowledge, Lead me from death to immortality.
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi! Now Shanthi means peace.
Can you guess why that word is repeated thrice? Why not two times or four times? There is a reason for it to be repeated thrice.
Remember when you embark on a journey to growth and development, you meet with problems.
It can be the growth and development of your career, your family life or your spiritual life or the growth and development of the very earth we live on.
Man meets with three types of problems in any venture of his.
The problems from within, the problems from people around, and the problems from the elements of nature.
Problems from within manifest in a variety of forms; procrastination, boredom, depression, pessimism, wrong projection, wrong perception and physical and mental inertia.
These are the problems that stop you from achieving what you want.
In fact, as the law of attraction states, you invite results corresponding to these states of mind.
Problems from people can be many, and the nature of such problems is determined by what you want, the kind of people around and the social, physical or emotional context you are in.
Problems created by nature such as natural calamities, inclement weather conditions or the hostile terrain and vegetation you find yourself in are not under your control.
You can do nothing.
Now I come to the triple Shanthis.
The prayer said let there be peace within me.
That is what the first peace is for.
Let there be peace on my neighbors.
That is what the second Shanthi isfor.
Let there be peace in nature.
The third Shanthi.
And Nature respects the man who is in harmony with everything for she knows that he reflects her will.
And what is God? The gigantic software, the mind behind matter, the software that reflects the mysterious laws of nature at macroscopic and nanoscopic levels.
May all the triple peace be on you, my reader.
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi!
It is problems that heighten our sense of living, and it is problems that make us grow.
An ancient Hindu prayer says: Lead me from darkness to light, Lead me from ignorance to knowledge, Lead me from death to immortality.
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi! Now Shanthi means peace.
Can you guess why that word is repeated thrice? Why not two times or four times? There is a reason for it to be repeated thrice.
Remember when you embark on a journey to growth and development, you meet with problems.
It can be the growth and development of your career, your family life or your spiritual life or the growth and development of the very earth we live on.
Man meets with three types of problems in any venture of his.
The problems from within, the problems from people around, and the problems from the elements of nature.
Problems from within manifest in a variety of forms; procrastination, boredom, depression, pessimism, wrong projection, wrong perception and physical and mental inertia.
These are the problems that stop you from achieving what you want.
In fact, as the law of attraction states, you invite results corresponding to these states of mind.
Problems from people can be many, and the nature of such problems is determined by what you want, the kind of people around and the social, physical or emotional context you are in.
Problems created by nature such as natural calamities, inclement weather conditions or the hostile terrain and vegetation you find yourself in are not under your control.
You can do nothing.
Now I come to the triple Shanthis.
The prayer said let there be peace within me.
That is what the first peace is for.
Let there be peace on my neighbors.
That is what the second Shanthi isfor.
Let there be peace in nature.
The third Shanthi.
And Nature respects the man who is in harmony with everything for she knows that he reflects her will.
And what is God? The gigantic software, the mind behind matter, the software that reflects the mysterious laws of nature at macroscopic and nanoscopic levels.
May all the triple peace be on you, my reader.
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi!