Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Change your mindset question, what is great about this?

In the recent circles I have sought to associate with in the last 6 months I was exposed to this question: What is great about this? Now first I need to explain my circle before you can understand the question and what it means to you. In the last two years I have faced the loss of a business of 4 years, the loss of the job I thought would replace my business, and the toll these circumstances put on me and my family. I won't go into the details as you can learn more of that part of my story in the "About Me" section of my blog. After trying to make some sense of my situation I realized I needed to seek a new mindset. A mindset that demonstrated the success I wanted and needed in order to get my life back on track. I found that with an incredible group...a community of outrageously successful online entrepreneurs.

My new circle teaches and lives in a mindset that is all about building each person in the community into the best they can be on all levels, personal, professional, family, friendship, etc. By living in a positive selfless effort to help others these people are creating a level of success in their lives like nothing I have ever seen or experienced until now. The one question posed that hit me like a ton of bricks was...What is great about this? This question is a mindset, philosophy, and a way of life that needs to be shared especially in the current times.

For me this question meant that no matter what obstacle, challenge, or painful situation I face look for a positive solution. By focusing in this way you will open your mind to the positive opportunities. Now don't take this lightly...really think about how you approach challenges. What was your thought process? What was the result? The pattern of thought that you have will create the same results over and over and over again. If you are getting negative results chances are that is where your pattern of thought is focusing. Guess what, you are the only one that can change that is an empowering feeling. In a time where most feel completely without control of their situation a solution is given that you had all along. All you had to do was realize it and apply it.

My efforts, outlook, and results have changed tenfold...I have begun to live and teach all that I am learning from this special community. As I write this I feel so grateful for what this experience has done for me and I want others to feel empowered to make the changes needed in their lives. My slogan is "Taking leverage to main-street" and by leverage I mean exposing the ways super successful people live in their mindset, methods of operation, and systems used to achieve more than most personally and financially. If you have come across this information there is a reason for it. Listen to your thoughts, digest those thoughts, and take different action towards your true life desires...after all those are the only things that really matter and what you were meant to do.

Explore my blog for more information, training and resources []
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