Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Five Awesome Tips - How to Flirt With a Guy

Does flirting with a guy come naturally to you? Did you know you're body language has everything to do with successfully flirting? Did you know that you can get you're guy to realize you're interested without ever saying a word? Flirting may be a natural thing to some people, but for most of us it take knowledge and practice.
Here are five awesome tips to teach you how to flirt with your guy.
Tip #1: Smile and He'll Smile Back When you are first starting to flirt with a guy, you don't want to lay it on too thick.
A smile is a good way to get started without being too obvious.
A smile also makes you look more attractive, and it makes you seem like a friendly person.
Smile at him, and you're likely to get a smile back.
Tip #2: Flirt With Your Eyes Eye contact is such a subtle way to flirt, that he may not even notice that you're flirting with him, but it will still make an impact.
This is a great way to flirt if you are a beginner.
Stare at him playfully from across the room and see what he does.
If he notices, then be sure to smile.
Tip #3: Playful Touch You don't have to get super-sensual to make an impact with touch.
Put your hand lightly on his arm while the two of you are talking.
Let your hand "accidentally" brush his while the two of you are in the elevator.
Pretend like he has an eyelash on his cheek and brush it off for him.
It doesn't take much physical contact to get his interest stirred.
Tip #4: You Have to Talk to the Boy This is especially flirty if you're in a crowded bar.
If you talk in a sweet, soft voice, he'll be forced to lean in towards you.
This will give you the chance to put your hand lightly on his arm.
Make sure not to scream over the noise.
You don't want to seem like a nagging wife! Tip #5: Be Your Own Awesome Self If you're totally faking everything that you do, he will realize it, and he won't be into you.
Even while you're trying to follow a bunch of helpful tips, make sure that what you do comes naturally and from the heart.
Relax and have fun.
If you're relaxed, he'll be relaxed, and the two of you will have the chance to get to know each other.
Follow these five awesome flirting tips, and see how well your next date goes.
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