Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Get online dating success by making a great first impression

First impressions really do count whether you are meeting a potential date online or in person for the first time. We all judge others within seconds of first making contact with them and those initial impressions can still cloud our judgement long after we have really got to know them. Of course making a quick assessment of another person is not a bad thing and it is often a vital skill to ensure that we reduce our exposure to potential harm, the trick is in getting the balance right.

Online dating is a great test of your skills in judging others correctly from very little information. It also means that if you want to find that perfect date you will need to ensure that the first impression you make is a good one and will make him want to find out more.

So you see this great guy online, his profile is well written and he can actually spell and use grammar correctly, in addition he looks good. His photo looks up to date and is not overly posed or too grainy. He seems to have some depth and warmth, so what is the next step? Do not wait for him to notice you, go ahead and make the first contact and send him an email. This is your chance to make a great impression, if you are worried about what to write the following might give you some tips.

First however, make sure that your profile is up to speed. Do you look your best? You should also ideally put up more than one photo, remember men are visual creatures. Secondly, make sure your profile is well-written. Have you put the time and effort into it, if necessary get someone else to help you with this.

Okay, so now your profile is fabulous and now you want to get his attention. Remember be yourself, this applies to anything to do with online dating. Always be yourself because if you are yourself right from the word go and someone is still not interested then they are not worth your time. Your first email should convey who you are to the reader not who you are prepared to be for a while. Honesty always makes a great impression whereas saying what you think people want to hear does not. Tell him what you liked about his profile. Let him know that you found him interesting, funny, liked his values, or whatever it was that attracted you to him.

Get down what you would say to the person if you were meeting them face to face rather than via an online dating email, get to the end before editing it. Writing one continuous email rather than thinking about it will make your email flow better. Read it back and ask yourself whether you would want to date the person that wrote it. If you want to date you, then the person you met via online dating probably will as well. This is a pretty obvious one but most people do not read their own emails back, instead, they finish it and hit send. Try and avoid clich©s, as this will only mark you out as unoriginal and can also indicate a lack of self-confidence so avoid using anything resembling a clich© even if you do use them in speech regularly.

Now you are ready to send your first online dating email and make a good impression! But the impression should be of you and not of someone you would like to be. Never try to be something you are not for anyone. The only way you will find true love is to find someone who will accept you as you are!

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