Magic Of Making Up - How To Avoid Losing Your Ex Forever
The biggest mistake you can make when trying to get your ex back is to get into panic mode. Panic will only drive you to doing things which are not deemed as natural especially when you've been given your marching orders.
So how do you get your ex back? First of all, you need to respect his/her wishes and simply walk away. Yes, this goes against everything you're feeling at the moment but in order to create an atmosphere where you'll be in a position to be accepted back, then it's got to be done.
In this article, let's look at the seven deadly sins a spurned lover will make when they are in the early stages of being ejected from a relationship. If you want half a chance of experiencing the magic of making up then eliminating these seven actions from your repertoire will be a great start.
7 Mistakes People Make When They Get Dumped!
1. The number one mistake is calling too soon after being dumped. A person's ego takes a hit and the natural inclination is to want to rectify things if only to massage their own ego. In actual fact, you'll only be pushing your ex further away.
2. Like calling, sending a barrage of text messages and emails is not a good idea. You need to understand a breaking point was reached where right now, you're the last person they want or need to hear from. By continually contacting them you're not giving them the space they need to assess their own emotions.
3. Trying to convince them that they are making a big mistake is considered a no-no. Honestly, they don't really care what you think. Right now, they want you out of their lives.
4. Avoid like the plague in confronting your ex and starting an argument. Have you ever noticed in a situation like this the spurned person is usually the one doing the arguing while their ex seems to absorb it just waiting for it to end so they'll leave. Again, right now, they really don't care what you have to say. More importantly, don't dredge up things from the past and point out the mistakes they've made.
5. Acting wimpy. In other words, telling them how much you've been depressed, lonely, sad and just about any other emotion on the wrong side of happiness you can think of. Also, avoid telling them over and over how much you love them or apologize continuously. It's needy behavior and to most, it's unattractive.
6. Don't talk to his/her family or friends. This alone can kill any chance of getting your ex back. Many make the mistake of trying to convince the family and friends of their ex that they have been hard done by but in reality, whose side do you think they are going to take?
7. Avoid the temptation of showing up unannounced anywhere your ex likes to hang out. Many will do this and act dumb as if it's a co-incidence but in the main, people aren't going to buy it and you'll probably earn the "stalker" tag.
I really wish to<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/737631');" href="/links/?u= " target="_blank">get my guy back</a>? Most relationships can be saved no matter how hopeless the situation is.
Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and why at
You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.
The biggest mistake you can make when trying to get your ex back is to get into panic mode. Panic will only drive you to doing things which are not deemed as natural especially when you've been given your marching orders.
So how do you get your ex back? First of all, you need to respect his/her wishes and simply walk away. Yes, this goes against everything you're feeling at the moment but in order to create an atmosphere where you'll be in a position to be accepted back, then it's got to be done.
In this article, let's look at the seven deadly sins a spurned lover will make when they are in the early stages of being ejected from a relationship. If you want half a chance of experiencing the magic of making up then eliminating these seven actions from your repertoire will be a great start.
7 Mistakes People Make When They Get Dumped!
1. The number one mistake is calling too soon after being dumped. A person's ego takes a hit and the natural inclination is to want to rectify things if only to massage their own ego. In actual fact, you'll only be pushing your ex further away.
2. Like calling, sending a barrage of text messages and emails is not a good idea. You need to understand a breaking point was reached where right now, you're the last person they want or need to hear from. By continually contacting them you're not giving them the space they need to assess their own emotions.
3. Trying to convince them that they are making a big mistake is considered a no-no. Honestly, they don't really care what you think. Right now, they want you out of their lives.
4. Avoid like the plague in confronting your ex and starting an argument. Have you ever noticed in a situation like this the spurned person is usually the one doing the arguing while their ex seems to absorb it just waiting for it to end so they'll leave. Again, right now, they really don't care what you have to say. More importantly, don't dredge up things from the past and point out the mistakes they've made.
5. Acting wimpy. In other words, telling them how much you've been depressed, lonely, sad and just about any other emotion on the wrong side of happiness you can think of. Also, avoid telling them over and over how much you love them or apologize continuously. It's needy behavior and to most, it's unattractive.
6. Don't talk to his/her family or friends. This alone can kill any chance of getting your ex back. Many make the mistake of trying to convince the family and friends of their ex that they have been hard done by but in reality, whose side do you think they are going to take?
7. Avoid the temptation of showing up unannounced anywhere your ex likes to hang out. Many will do this and act dumb as if it's a co-incidence but in the main, people aren't going to buy it and you'll probably earn the "stalker" tag.
I really wish to<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/737631');" href="/links/?u= " target="_blank">get my guy back</a>? Most relationships can be saved no matter how hopeless the situation is.
Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and why at
You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.