Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Stuck in Groundhog Day? Here"s Why

Ever feel like you're living the same day over & over? Like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhog Day" are you still trying to get it right? Ready for a new tomorrow? If you want change, this article can help you break the cycle.
Many people continue to focus on "not enough in their lives" or their so called "reality" or "what is.
" They feel compelled to tell it like it really is.
But as they think about "what is", talk about "what is" or even just noticing "what is" keeps them in a perpetual state of "what is".
Groundhog Day! Here's how the cycle works: 1.
You observe and focus on what you're getting whether negative or positive.
Example: - You open your wallet and notice there's no money.
- You get the overdrawn notice in the mail.
- The stack of bills continues to pile up on the kitchen table.
As you observe what you're getting, you're sending a vibe (negative or positive).
You open your wallet and notice there's no money.
What happens to your vibe? It lowers it.
Are you doing it on purpose? No, it's an unconscious response.
You're just noticing something, feeling good or bad about it and emitting the corresponding energy.
While you're sending the vibe (negative or positive) the Law of Attraction responds, giving you more of the same energy.
Law of Attraction is obedient.
It doesn't know if you want it or not, or if it's good for you or not, it's only job is to match the vibe (energy) you're sending.
You get more of the same experience.
If you like what you're getting, celebrate it.
In your celebration you'll attract more.
But if you're thinking about or observing the lack of money, or the lack of anything, you are getting more "lack.
" Wow! Who Knew! So in order to move past Groundhog Day...
How To Do It: - Take your observation from what you don't want to what you do want.
It's not necessary to give your attention, energy, and focus to "what is".
Focus on what you want instead and expect it will show up.
- If those bills and bank statements and bank notices have a negative charge for you, put them out of site.
Do what you can, pay what you can, and put them away so you're not observing them constantly.
- The goal is to duplicate the "vibe" of abundance.
Put a $50 or $100 in your wallet and keep it with you.
Every time you open your wallet you say "Wow, I'm abundant".
And what happens to your vibe? You get that little jolt of positive energy.
Even 1 minute of feeling abundant is better than 0 minutes.
Increase those minutes each day and celebrating abundance will become a way of life.
- Put this on a sticky note: If I'm observing what I'm getting now, I'll keep getting it.
The only way to get a different result is to send a different vibe.
Life has a funny way of repeating itself.
Being Deliberate with your thoughts and words can help you Create your life the way you want it to be! Live Abundantly!
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