Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Winter and Libido

For many of us winter is not our favourite time of year.
Getting up in the dark, dragging ourselves away from our nice warm beds, layering up against the elements, de-icing the windshields of our cars, and cranking the heat to try and feel some kind sensation in our hands.
If this wasn't enough winter can play havoc with our sex lives.
During winter the human body is biologically programmed to decrease in sex drive and hibernate.
Not only do we like to sleep more, but a lot of us increase our carbohydrate intake thus causing us to be a lot more lethargic.
It is possible to increase your energy and libido during winter.
Three key ways to increase your libido during winter is by exercising, eating right and adding natural aphrodisiac supplements to your everyday routine.
Whether it be exercising in the morning or after work, motivating one's self can be just as difficult as physical exercise itself in cooler months.
For the morning people, the whole routine of getting up in the dark, dragging yourself away from your nice warm bed can be the hardest part of the day, Or after work the thought of training in the cold is pretty unappealing for most.
After slaving away at work all day the last thing many of us want to do is exercise.
For many who struggle with motivation during winter, certain steps can be taken in order to be more active.
Join a class or team up with some friends - this should encourage commitment and motivation.
In addition to exercise, diet plays a pivotal role in increasing and also decreasing your energy and libido levels during winter.
Studies show that during winter both men and women produce less sex hormones due to evolutionary hibernation patterns.
It isn't uncommon for men and women to gain weight during winter.
This is due to many of us increasing our intake of carbohydrates in order to insulate ourselves against the colder climate.
This increase in carbohydrates is attributed to the consumption of comfort foods.
Comfort foods usually contain pasta, rice or potatoes which are high in complex carbohydrates.
Ensure these foods are eaten in moderation and look for alternatives such as brown rice or different soups.
To help increase your libido try adding fresh aphrodisiac foods into the mix.
A great way of increasing ones libido via diet is through eating various fresh foods such as oysters, and avocados.
Not only are oysters a great source of protein but also: - High in zinc which is said to increase the production of testosterone in men.
- A fantastic source of dopamine, a naturally occurring chemical that is connected to pleasure, thus increasing your libido.
Avocados are said to increase your libido as well.
Avocados contain: - vitamin B6 (which is said to increase testosterone levels) - Potassium which is said to regulate a woman's thyroid gland.
Supplements are another way of increasing libido.
For men Tibullus is a naturally occurring chemical that when taken in supplement form can increase natural production of testosterone.
For women Ginkgo is a fantastic supplement that increases libido.
Studies show that Ginkgo enhances concentration and memory, as well as improve blood flow.
Make the effort to heat things up during winter with your significant other.
This can range from cooking a nice meal and sharing it snuggled up close to your loved one while watching TV, sharing that all essential body heat instead of pulling out the electric blanket, or planning a naughty weekend down the snow.
Try these simple steps to assist in changing a once boring season into the most anticipated.
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