Bomb shelters can provide ample security and protection from bomb blasts which otherwise mean severe injury to many including loss of property. However, a chain is as weak as its weakest link; a bomb shelter plan is as weak as the quality of the bomb shelter equipment and structure. A brief discussion of the various key factors to be considered for choosing safe and fail proof bomb shelter equipments is as below. The understanding of the briefing will lead to better building and planning of bomb and disaster shelters that will result in absolute safety in case of exigencies.
Bomb shelters can be designed only after identifying the various threats that may have an impact on the residents and the design of the structure. The use of right quality of material for bomb and disaster shelter equipments will play a major role in the safety level of the structures in which they are used. Precise dimensions of the structure have to be measured so that the bomb shelter design can be designed to encompass all places without leaving out even the smallest area. Critical areas where inhabitants spend most of the time have to be provided double protection to minimize damage and loss of life.
For effective protection all access points, open spaces and underground bunkers for shelter should also be safeguarded with blast proof doors or filters that will reduce the aftermath of a serious explosion. Blast hatches are compact and concealable meaning they can double as escape doors and provide an easy access to bomb shelters. Bomb filters and screening measures can also be taken to ensure that windows and other fragile items do not cause much injury in case of explosions taking place in close vicinity to the building. Access routes and escape plans to bombs shelters also have to be made into maps for use during unforeseen situations.
Bomb shelter plans should be stored with adequate first aid kits, food and refreshments to provide survival measures for trapped victims. It is highly possible that after the explosion the rescue team may require time to clear debris and approach the bomb shelter within which the victims should not die or pass out due to want of water of food. An ideal bomb shelters should also be designed to have adequate sanitation and free air flow arrangements for its inhabitants.
Bomb shelters can be designed only after identifying the various threats that may have an impact on the residents and the design of the structure. The use of right quality of material for bomb and disaster shelter equipments will play a major role in the safety level of the structures in which they are used. Precise dimensions of the structure have to be measured so that the bomb shelter design can be designed to encompass all places without leaving out even the smallest area. Critical areas where inhabitants spend most of the time have to be provided double protection to minimize damage and loss of life.
For effective protection all access points, open spaces and underground bunkers for shelter should also be safeguarded with blast proof doors or filters that will reduce the aftermath of a serious explosion. Blast hatches are compact and concealable meaning they can double as escape doors and provide an easy access to bomb shelters. Bomb filters and screening measures can also be taken to ensure that windows and other fragile items do not cause much injury in case of explosions taking place in close vicinity to the building. Access routes and escape plans to bombs shelters also have to be made into maps for use during unforeseen situations.
Bomb shelter plans should be stored with adequate first aid kits, food and refreshments to provide survival measures for trapped victims. It is highly possible that after the explosion the rescue team may require time to clear debris and approach the bomb shelter within which the victims should not die or pass out due to want of water of food. An ideal bomb shelters should also be designed to have adequate sanitation and free air flow arrangements for its inhabitants.