- 1). Use a pipe wrench to pry open the access valve cover that provides direct access to the buried piping. You may have to apply some force to get the cover to move, especially if the cover hasn't been moved in some time, a fact typical of older homes. Clean out the pipe with a highly pressurized water jet, a machine that can be rented at many home improvement or plumbing supply stores.
- 2). Blast the pipe a few times with the water jet. This will help remove standing sediment and make finding the crack site easier. Following cleaning, drop a plumbing camera---also available for rent at the same stores as the water jet---down into the pipe to search for the crack. Once located, overestimate the size of the crack; for instance, if the crack appears to be 8 inches long, round up to 10 inches.
- 3). Measure and cut the length of tubing according to your estimated size. Slide the tube down into the valve and position it over the crack. Pull the cord on the device to inflate the tube, which will stop once it touches the interior wall of the pipe and create a barrier seal over the cracked section of the pipe. Allow the tube to settle for about three hours before reinserting the camera to check to see of the tube covers the crack. If not, deflate the tubing and repeat the process.