In my previous article I mentioned that "Thoughts become Things" and in order for you to get the things that you really want and desire you need to make sure that there is little or no contamination of your subconscious.
Well that is easier said than done, as we all have baggage in our subconscious minds to some extent.
The thing is we need to make a definite decision to clean up our mental act.
If we don't we are constantly attracting things that we don't want.
Thoughts become things whether those things are positive or not.
So in order to achieve our goals and attain that which we desire we have to make sure that anything that might keep us back is eliminated.
One of the things keeping you back from within your subconscious might be Life Sentences, as written about in my book.
If you have not read the book as yet, and still have no idea what a "Life Sentence" is I will give you the exact wording that I used in the book to explain the concept: "Life Sentences are sentences that you have heard or thought, and accepted as truth.
It can be any sentence, a cliche, it could be something that was said frequently to you by your parents for example, or a once-off sentence spoken to you or by you or even only thought by you.
You said it, or heard it and accepted it as truth in your life".
These Life Sentences as the book explains keep us in bondage from achieving all that we want to achieve, subconsciously often attracts negative elements into our lives and prevents us from reaching our goals.
In actual fact they often keep you from even setting your goals in the first place.
The trick is first to start seeing the possibilities of these negative elements or "Life Sentences" in your subconscious.
That's really what this blog and my daily motivational and Power Lists are about.
You see although each of us is unique in our own way, our minds work very much the same and in that way you are absolutely no different from me or anyone.
One tends to look at people who succeed or achieve great things with some kind of awe.
You might think they must have done something special, that they are more deserving than you, had more opportunities or we attribute some other misguided perceptions to them.
You are not alone in that type of reasoning and that's the problem.
The vast majority of the world thinks like that and that's simply not true.
We somehow think that we are not worthy, and that we were destined to live average lives.
In these blog articles I often talk about getting out of the "rut" and I thought perhaps I should clarify what a "rut" is.
Well you are in a rut if you do the same (similar) thing every day, not because you are happy, but because you did it yesterday, the day before, and the day before that and because other people as well as yourself have come to expect it of you.
You also do it because it feels easier to just keep doing what you are doing than any possible alternative.
You don't necessarily have to be unhappy (although many people are) but you are not really over the moon either.
Getting out of the rut does not necessarily mean a complete change of lifestyle.
You could still be doing the majority of what you are doing now, you would be just be doing it for the right reasons and you could add some spark and some enthusiasm and some peace of mind to the mix.
You have all you need to be great right there within you! All it takes initially is for you to make that decision.
It's almost like saying that you must peer through the mind numbing clouds of average, lift your focus above the foggy fetters of mediocrity and glimpse the bright shiny diamond of hope.
I am offering to you, right here and now, a hand up.
Imagine you are in a deep ditch and I am reaching down offering you a hand to pull you up out of it.
You have been keeping an eye out for that hand otherwise you would not have been reading this.
So reach up in your mind's-eye right now as I am reaching down in my own mind to you! Grab hold of my hand and I will pull you out of that rut! Say out loud; "I can do this! I will do this! I owe it to myself to do this.
" Stand up walk around a bit.
Breathe in deeply, and feel the energy, the rush and waves of a new beginning come over you.
And that is the start! You are on the brink of success.
Is there some hard work to do? Sure! Are there some habits to break? No doubt! But the decision is made - average is not an option anymore! The next step is to start working on your self-image, as often this is the reason we got stuck in the rut in the first place.
I have mentioned this in prior articles as well.
A good way of doing this is by getting a journal! You might think that writing stuff down is stupid, or not necessary but in actual fact writing things down in black and white (same as with goals) helps you to understand and visualise any problems you need to overcome, it helps to imprint positive images in your mind and it also helps you to track and see your own self-growth.
I personally use an A4 hardcover school exercise book, but don't specifically wait till you have one of those.
Open up a page in your MSWord or even Notepad or find a piece of black paper.
Put a big heading on one page stating "I will overcome...
" and write down some of the things you are struggling with in your own mind about yourself underneath it so that you will know and acknowledge the fact that they are things that need to be dealt with and know that soon you will have conquered them.
There is much truth in the old saying "face your fears".
Open another page by writing down some positive things about yourself.
"I am alive" "I am able to write" "I can think" "I deserve to succeed".
This is only the start of building a good self-image.
You also need to start reading and listening to good stuff.
In a way feed your mind some "good food".
After all we are what we eat, and the same goes for our minds.
Clutter it up and stuff your mind with junk food and negativity and negative thoughts will fatten it up.
My bookis an excellent easy read and a definite first step to helping you on your new course of action.
It will also help you to lose some "mind weight" by targeting some of those negative elements in your subconscious to help rid you of them.
I will revisit "Life Sentences" in the next article to tell you a bit more about it but if you can't wait for the next article or if you want the full picture behind it as the blog articles will only touch on the basics anyway due to the length, then buy the book and get out of your rut today.
Also this blog contains some good filler material, so read back into prior articles or search the internet for related material.
There is plenty of other stuff to support you out there.
Sign up for my daily motivation, if you need a little support and encouragement every day.
Write to me and tell me of your decision and your plans.
I would love to hear from you.
You can do this and I will be glad to help! Remember Henry Ford's saying: "If you think you can or think you can't, you are right".
I think you can and now you need to think and know you can too...
all that's left is that you are now going to think you can also!
Well that is easier said than done, as we all have baggage in our subconscious minds to some extent.
The thing is we need to make a definite decision to clean up our mental act.
If we don't we are constantly attracting things that we don't want.
Thoughts become things whether those things are positive or not.
So in order to achieve our goals and attain that which we desire we have to make sure that anything that might keep us back is eliminated.
One of the things keeping you back from within your subconscious might be Life Sentences, as written about in my book.
If you have not read the book as yet, and still have no idea what a "Life Sentence" is I will give you the exact wording that I used in the book to explain the concept: "Life Sentences are sentences that you have heard or thought, and accepted as truth.
It can be any sentence, a cliche, it could be something that was said frequently to you by your parents for example, or a once-off sentence spoken to you or by you or even only thought by you.
You said it, or heard it and accepted it as truth in your life".
These Life Sentences as the book explains keep us in bondage from achieving all that we want to achieve, subconsciously often attracts negative elements into our lives and prevents us from reaching our goals.
In actual fact they often keep you from even setting your goals in the first place.
The trick is first to start seeing the possibilities of these negative elements or "Life Sentences" in your subconscious.
That's really what this blog and my daily motivational and Power Lists are about.
You see although each of us is unique in our own way, our minds work very much the same and in that way you are absolutely no different from me or anyone.
One tends to look at people who succeed or achieve great things with some kind of awe.
You might think they must have done something special, that they are more deserving than you, had more opportunities or we attribute some other misguided perceptions to them.
You are not alone in that type of reasoning and that's the problem.
The vast majority of the world thinks like that and that's simply not true.
We somehow think that we are not worthy, and that we were destined to live average lives.
In these blog articles I often talk about getting out of the "rut" and I thought perhaps I should clarify what a "rut" is.
Well you are in a rut if you do the same (similar) thing every day, not because you are happy, but because you did it yesterday, the day before, and the day before that and because other people as well as yourself have come to expect it of you.
You also do it because it feels easier to just keep doing what you are doing than any possible alternative.
You don't necessarily have to be unhappy (although many people are) but you are not really over the moon either.
Getting out of the rut does not necessarily mean a complete change of lifestyle.
You could still be doing the majority of what you are doing now, you would be just be doing it for the right reasons and you could add some spark and some enthusiasm and some peace of mind to the mix.
You have all you need to be great right there within you! All it takes initially is for you to make that decision.
It's almost like saying that you must peer through the mind numbing clouds of average, lift your focus above the foggy fetters of mediocrity and glimpse the bright shiny diamond of hope.
I am offering to you, right here and now, a hand up.
Imagine you are in a deep ditch and I am reaching down offering you a hand to pull you up out of it.
You have been keeping an eye out for that hand otherwise you would not have been reading this.
So reach up in your mind's-eye right now as I am reaching down in my own mind to you! Grab hold of my hand and I will pull you out of that rut! Say out loud; "I can do this! I will do this! I owe it to myself to do this.
" Stand up walk around a bit.
Breathe in deeply, and feel the energy, the rush and waves of a new beginning come over you.
And that is the start! You are on the brink of success.
Is there some hard work to do? Sure! Are there some habits to break? No doubt! But the decision is made - average is not an option anymore! The next step is to start working on your self-image, as often this is the reason we got stuck in the rut in the first place.
I have mentioned this in prior articles as well.
A good way of doing this is by getting a journal! You might think that writing stuff down is stupid, or not necessary but in actual fact writing things down in black and white (same as with goals) helps you to understand and visualise any problems you need to overcome, it helps to imprint positive images in your mind and it also helps you to track and see your own self-growth.
I personally use an A4 hardcover school exercise book, but don't specifically wait till you have one of those.
Open up a page in your MSWord or even Notepad or find a piece of black paper.
Put a big heading on one page stating "I will overcome...
" and write down some of the things you are struggling with in your own mind about yourself underneath it so that you will know and acknowledge the fact that they are things that need to be dealt with and know that soon you will have conquered them.
There is much truth in the old saying "face your fears".
Open another page by writing down some positive things about yourself.
"I am alive" "I am able to write" "I can think" "I deserve to succeed".
This is only the start of building a good self-image.
You also need to start reading and listening to good stuff.
In a way feed your mind some "good food".
After all we are what we eat, and the same goes for our minds.
Clutter it up and stuff your mind with junk food and negativity and negative thoughts will fatten it up.
My bookis an excellent easy read and a definite first step to helping you on your new course of action.
It will also help you to lose some "mind weight" by targeting some of those negative elements in your subconscious to help rid you of them.
I will revisit "Life Sentences" in the next article to tell you a bit more about it but if you can't wait for the next article or if you want the full picture behind it as the blog articles will only touch on the basics anyway due to the length, then buy the book and get out of your rut today.
Also this blog contains some good filler material, so read back into prior articles or search the internet for related material.
There is plenty of other stuff to support you out there.
Sign up for my daily motivation, if you need a little support and encouragement every day.
Write to me and tell me of your decision and your plans.
I would love to hear from you.
You can do this and I will be glad to help! Remember Henry Ford's saying: "If you think you can or think you can't, you are right".
I think you can and now you need to think and know you can too...
all that's left is that you are now going to think you can also!