Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Create a Sizzling Online Dating Profile

Once you have found an online dating site you wish to sign up to, it is time to create an online dating profile, that will attract the type of people you want?You want to stand out from the rest, so it has to be a sizzling profile that will intrigue people so they want to know more! The key to a sizzling online dating profile firstly starts with honesty, believe it or not.
Honesty does show through, and it is a good attribute to have.
The following tips will give you further ideas on how to create that sizzling online dating profile:
  • Be honest about yourself and the type of relationship you are looking for.
    If you are looking for a long-term relationship, say so.
    On the other hand, if you are looking for something else, say it.
    It is pointless saying that you want a long-term commitment when really you are after a short fling.
    It is not fair on your potential dates, and you could be missing out on meeting the perfect person for you that wants the same thing.
  • To increase your chances of having people read your profile, you need to include a photo.
    Your photo should be relatively recent, and be a true representation of what you look like.
    All too often we hear stories of people who have posted photos from 20 years ago, who wonder why their potential date is disappointed when they meet in person.
  • Sometimes an online dating service will give you guidelines or tips on how to write your profile.
    Some may suggest that you tell all in 250 words, with others wanting you to keep it as short as possible.
    Regardless, it is important to provide important and relevant information about yourself in order to appeal to those you are targeting.
    This is not the time to tell your life story.
  • List your hobbies and interests, if you have children (or if you want any in the future), whether you have pets and anything else that is important to you.
    A person reading your profile will know up front what and whom you find important in your life.
  • Keep your profile as positive as possible.
    Coming across positive gives a good impression.
    Filling your profile with information about how much you hate your ex is not going to win you many points, or profile views for that matter.
When writing your profile, put yourself in the shoes of the person you are trying to attract.
If you are that person, would you want to know more? This step alone may be a bit of an eye-opener for you, as you try to see yourself through another person's eyes.
Do you like what you see? If not, why not? What do you like about your profile? What is it that you think people will be attracted to most? Once you know how to create a sizzling online dating profile, you will very quickly find that people are drawn to you, and you will have more potential dates than you ever thought possible!
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