I remember hearing that the Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's of the world are no different from us.
They still have 24 hours in a day to utilize.
They put their pants on one leg at a time.
It's their education and application of knowledge that separates us.
In addition, how they interpret their emotions, especially when a deal breaks down, things don't go right, somebody ticked them off, etc.
How they respond to these emotions separates them into winner and losers, success or failure.
Fascinating! Your response to emotions determines your success.
Your childhood environment and interaction with people has shaped who you are today.
There's a story about two brothers who had an alcoholic father.
One son was measurably successful, the other an alcoholic, criminal and sporadically employed.
When an interview was conducted and the question was asked, 'what contributed to your current status in life' they both has very similar responses.
They stated, "If you had an alcoholic father, what would you become?" Your response to the emotions you feel dictates the direction of your life.
I had a friend tell a story about a man, a Jew, who suffered several months incarcerated in a concentration during the holocaust.
He was lucky.
The war ended, he was free and in quick fashion he became successful in business and in life.
Many people asked him how? He said he chose not to focus on his probable death, the miserable conditions and shatter hopes of the people that surrounded him.
He spoke about the green grass and weed like flowers that he would catch a glimpse of that grew beyond the camp's gates.
A smile would appear on his face each time which provided hope.
His focus was beyond, not what he was enduring.
I'm sure you've heard that 'how you think determines who you are.
' Have you considered that where you are in life is exactly where you wanted to be? You have chosen the emotional response which has determined where you are NOW! You have chosen to avoid the negative emotions you detest most and pursue the emotions which bring you the most happiness.
Don't play victim.
Don't blame your parents.
You are responsible for you and your response to your emotions.
You are responsible for the current life you are living.
Want to succeed in life? Have more positive control of your emotions.
You cannot avoid the full spectrum of feelings you experience, however, you can control your response.
In life you will experience; disappointment, jealousy, powerless, alone, incapable, heartache, hatred, etc.
It's easy to respond to the positive emotions you experience.
Enjoy those that make you smile and laugh.
How you response to the negative experiences and the emotions that follow, will dictate your success in life.
They are just feelings.
If you need help dealing with the 'crap' in life, seek professional help.
If you have unresolved issues with a parent, person or event in your life, DEAL WITH IT! You may not get an 'I'm sorry' from an offender to help you 'forgive and let go', but if you're holding on to unresolved issues you are preventing yourself from truly succeeding in life.
Get your emotions out of your own way.
You are keeping you from success! Emotions rule your life.
Deal with the 'crap' and the feelings that hold you down.
Live life...
not an existence.
Live a life of purpose.
You owe it to yourself and your family.
They still have 24 hours in a day to utilize.
They put their pants on one leg at a time.
It's their education and application of knowledge that separates us.
In addition, how they interpret their emotions, especially when a deal breaks down, things don't go right, somebody ticked them off, etc.
How they respond to these emotions separates them into winner and losers, success or failure.
Fascinating! Your response to emotions determines your success.
Your childhood environment and interaction with people has shaped who you are today.
There's a story about two brothers who had an alcoholic father.
One son was measurably successful, the other an alcoholic, criminal and sporadically employed.
When an interview was conducted and the question was asked, 'what contributed to your current status in life' they both has very similar responses.
They stated, "If you had an alcoholic father, what would you become?" Your response to the emotions you feel dictates the direction of your life.
I had a friend tell a story about a man, a Jew, who suffered several months incarcerated in a concentration during the holocaust.
He was lucky.
The war ended, he was free and in quick fashion he became successful in business and in life.
Many people asked him how? He said he chose not to focus on his probable death, the miserable conditions and shatter hopes of the people that surrounded him.
He spoke about the green grass and weed like flowers that he would catch a glimpse of that grew beyond the camp's gates.
A smile would appear on his face each time which provided hope.
His focus was beyond, not what he was enduring.
I'm sure you've heard that 'how you think determines who you are.
' Have you considered that where you are in life is exactly where you wanted to be? You have chosen the emotional response which has determined where you are NOW! You have chosen to avoid the negative emotions you detest most and pursue the emotions which bring you the most happiness.
Don't play victim.
Don't blame your parents.
You are responsible for you and your response to your emotions.
You are responsible for the current life you are living.
Want to succeed in life? Have more positive control of your emotions.
You cannot avoid the full spectrum of feelings you experience, however, you can control your response.
In life you will experience; disappointment, jealousy, powerless, alone, incapable, heartache, hatred, etc.
It's easy to respond to the positive emotions you experience.
Enjoy those that make you smile and laugh.
How you response to the negative experiences and the emotions that follow, will dictate your success in life.
They are just feelings.
If you need help dealing with the 'crap' in life, seek professional help.
If you have unresolved issues with a parent, person or event in your life, DEAL WITH IT! You may not get an 'I'm sorry' from an offender to help you 'forgive and let go', but if you're holding on to unresolved issues you are preventing yourself from truly succeeding in life.
Get your emotions out of your own way.
You are keeping you from success! Emotions rule your life.
Deal with the 'crap' and the feelings that hold you down.
Live life...
not an existence.
Live a life of purpose.
You owe it to yourself and your family.