Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Do I Know If He is About to Dump Me? These Tricks Will Help You Figure it Out Before it Happens

You have this dreadful feeling that all is not "hunky dory" with you and your boyfriend.
He seems to be getting a bit too distant with you and you don't like it.
It is only natural that you feel that he is losing interest in you and might dump you.
If you don't want to be caught unawares then it is important to read the signs that tell you the truth.
These are some of the typical signs that tell you that he is going to dump you.
He becomes cold and disinterested in you All of a sudden your boyfriend does not seem to be as excited and happy when he is with you.
He acts distant and his behavior shows you that he wants to be elsewhere! This could be a sign that he wants to be free and has other plans on his mind.
No more tender loving care! Suddenly if you notice that your boyfriend has stopped being loving and affectionate towards you like he used to be at the beginning of your relationship, you should realize that something is wrong.
If he has started becoming cold towards you and has stopped kissing, hugging and caressing you, then yes - he has plans to dump you.
Makes fickle excuses If you realize that all of a sudden he does not appear at the appointed time for your dates and instead keeps on making fickle and lame excuses as to why he cannot make it, it is obvious that he does not want to come at all.
This will prove that he wants to be free.
He is always preoccupied If he does not seem to be "there" and keeps day dreaming while he is with you - it is obvious he has someone else on his mind.
The very fact that he cannot keep his attention on you and is always preoccupied, proves that you don't mean much to him any more.
He could break up with you soon.
He keeps changing the subject Every time you speak of the future or commitment, he tries to change the subject.
This shows that he is unwilling to commit and is afraid of being tied down with you.
It is easy to read between the lines when your boyfriend just refuses to do anything with commitment.
He gets argumentative It is obvious that things are not the same when your boyfriend tries to pick a fight with you every time you meet.
If he gets argumentative and angry with you - it shows that he has no patience with you and in fact is dying to get out of the relationship.
Change of personality A cheating boyfriend has a drastic change in personality.
If he is going to dump you then he will get restless in your company, irritable and show through his body language that he wants to be free!
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