Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Ooh, There Is No Scientific Evidence, So What?

Sometime back I remember reading a small news item stating some scientists somewhere on our tiny planet have proved there is no such thing as luck.
In another scientific report some other scientists have proved there is no such thing as God.
In yet another scientific report they have also proved there is no such that as common sense.
And the number of such scientific reports simply does not seem to stop nowadays.
After reading such news I suddenly developed an irresistible urge to bash science and rationalism.
One cannot understand why scientists and rationalists keep doling out such useless trash periodically.
The beauty is nobody really cares for such reports in a real sense.
For example, even if you print millions of such reports and distribute it to millions of people, nobody is going to be truly convinced or take them seriously anyway.
Secondly, nobody is going to rush home to start spreading atheism, throw out all they consider sacred or stop going to places of worship because of such reports, no matter how convincingly it is written.
Certainly the human experience is full of many deep and unexplained mysteries from centuries.
But the problem with wholesome believers of science and rationalists is they simply don't know what they should know.
That is science simply cannot explain everything on this universe.
But many naïve scientists and rationalists refuse to believe in the supernatural because they believe that if science cannot explain something or convince them, then it must be absurd or false.
They also believe they have a mandatory self crowned right and entitlement to answer every question regarding everything in this universe.
Many scientists and rationalists often create a huge racket when something supernatural occurs, by shouting loudly, "Oh, there is no scientific evidence.
" But is it necessary for everything to have scientific evidence? Not necessarily.
Of course, science is super in many ways and has solved umpteen problems, but that does not mean it can debunk things that it cannot explain.
The basic problem is science is very limited in its thinking.
It stubbornly confines itself to explaining everything through boundaries of mathematical formulas, chemical reactions, a few physics laws, scientific equipments, etc.
So if something cannot fall within these boundaries then it is classified as a bunch of lies and hogwash.
But just like kindergarten students who cannot understand calculus and quantum mechanics until they reach the right age and mental maturity, scientists also cannot understand the super natural till they step beyond the limited boundaries of science.
Science may somehow explain how things work in the universe, but it cannot explain why they work that way.
For example, science can explain the numerous ways in which death can occur, but it cannot explain what death really is, or what happens to that mysterious force that was present in the body, how it came in, where does it go and so on.
Similarly there are thousands of mysterious things like telepathy, dreams, ESP, hypnotism, death, rebirth, ghosts, magic, UFOs, human aura, omens, life on other planets, intuition, ghosts, etc.
, that mankind still does not understand, or maybe even not entitled to.
Irrespective of what atheists may preach and argue, till date nobody has been able to disprove the existence of god or the occurrence of divine miracles.
If you really want to see how insignificant and ignorant we all are, just browse through some photo galleries of the universe, the Hubble telescope photos, the Milky Way and countless other galaxies around earth.
There are billions and billions of stars, planets, suns, alien life and unknown things out there that we can never fully understand.
We can never explain who created them, why, when, using what and how, unless we believe in God or a supernatural power.
Only a supreme power can create such an infinite entity.
We are all very insignificant in the might of the supreme creator and the mysteries beyond science.
Hence science should first understand their limitations and accept the fact that Mother Nature guards her secrets very well to keep us curious and puzzled forever
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