Can you really learn how to flirt with men? Are there really tips and tricks and techniques that will work? What are they? You are about to learn. We can teach you the right way – how to flirt with men.
We need to clarify 2 things first. Thing number 2 is that you do not want to flirt with men in general. The world is full of predators and users; if you flirt with someone that you do not know, you may be encouraging someone like that; you really do not want to attract men like that; flirting will be a big attraction to a man who is a user and abuser. So be very, very careful whom you flirt with.
The second thing that we need to clarify is how to flirt. There are ways to flirt that promise sex; there are ways to flirt that make it very, very obvious what you are doing. These are not good ways to flirt. If you seem to be promising sex, he will be very disappointed when he does not get it; or he will think you are immoral and will avoid you. Male psychology says that men who are drawn by sexual flirting will only use you and then dump you.
A word of caution. Do not over do these things. You want to keep a hint of mystery and intrigue. But if you apply these tips, tricks and techniques, you can have success in the dating world. These are the basic rules of how to flirt with men.
We need to clarify 2 things first. Thing number 2 is that you do not want to flirt with men in general. The world is full of predators and users; if you flirt with someone that you do not know, you may be encouraging someone like that; you really do not want to attract men like that; flirting will be a big attraction to a man who is a user and abuser. So be very, very careful whom you flirt with.
The second thing that we need to clarify is how to flirt. There are ways to flirt that promise sex; there are ways to flirt that make it very, very obvious what you are doing. These are not good ways to flirt. If you seem to be promising sex, he will be very disappointed when he does not get it; or he will think you are immoral and will avoid you. Male psychology says that men who are drawn by sexual flirting will only use you and then dump you.
- If you really want to make a guy fall in love and if you really, really want to make him commit to you for the rest of his life, subtle flirting is in order. If you are too obvious or too outrageous, you will risk him (and other people) making fun of you. When we talk about how to flirt with men, being subtle is the outstanding rule.
- Good dating advice says that subtle flirting includes smiling at him every time you catch his eye. Subtle flirting includes touching him gently when you are speaking to him. Gentle flirting means to use his name when speaking to him. If you really want to make him fall in love, lower your voice when speaking to him.
A word of caution. Do not over do these things. You want to keep a hint of mystery and intrigue. But if you apply these tips, tricks and techniques, you can have success in the dating world. These are the basic rules of how to flirt with men.