Are you having a conflict with your partner? Is your relation at stake just because your views on a particular issue do not match with him or her? Do you always compromise with the situation by ignoring the argument just to save your relationship? If yes, then bear in mind that avoiding disagreements is not good for the future of your romantic life with your partner.
Although burying issues without resolving them puts an end to the quarrel for some time, it makes situations even worse in future.
Whenever you have an argument again in future, these 'buried', old issues would be raised again.
If continued in this manner, a time will come when all these unresolved conflicts would pile up, taking your relationship to a painful end.
Therefore, it is necessary to resolve all your differences, big or small, as and when they arise.
Following are a few guidelines that will help you resolve your differences and clashes at hand in just six steps: 1) Whenever there is a disagreement, do argue with your partner, but in a constructive manner.
Speak your heart out, express yourself, and let your partner know how and why you feel a certain way.
Encourage your partner to do the same.
However, while arguing, make sure you do not hurt each other emotionally and personally.
A healthy bond of love should be built on trust and respect.
2) Just to prove your point right, if you adopt the 'fight-fight' approach and try to give your partner a 'tit-for-a-tat' in everything he/she says, you would never be able to put an end to your conflict.
In order to resolve the issue, it is necessary for both of you to keep your ego aside, take one step forward, and accept the opinion of the other.
It should be a 'win-win' situation in which both of you feel contented.
3) When you are upset, try to figure out the reason behind it.
Quarrels usually arise either when you react harshly to some present situation or when you start reliving a painful event from the past.
4) A relation of love is driven only by emotions and feelings.
Bear in mind that both you and your partner love each other and wish to feel good with each other.
Therefore, it is essential for each of you to identify your needs and expectations and express the same clearly.
Do not keep anything buried in your heart.
5) If you can reach a mutually satisfactory solution by backing up some of your requests, be flexible in your desires and accept the solution with all your heart.
6) At last, if the mutually satisfactory solution does not work, do not fight again by blaming each other for suggesting an inappropriate solution.
Make a joint effort to identify the flaw and arrive at a new solution.
Thus, with a little effort and patience, you can resolve all conflicts and make your relationship flourish all life long.
Although burying issues without resolving them puts an end to the quarrel for some time, it makes situations even worse in future.
Whenever you have an argument again in future, these 'buried', old issues would be raised again.
If continued in this manner, a time will come when all these unresolved conflicts would pile up, taking your relationship to a painful end.
Therefore, it is necessary to resolve all your differences, big or small, as and when they arise.
Following are a few guidelines that will help you resolve your differences and clashes at hand in just six steps: 1) Whenever there is a disagreement, do argue with your partner, but in a constructive manner.
Speak your heart out, express yourself, and let your partner know how and why you feel a certain way.
Encourage your partner to do the same.
However, while arguing, make sure you do not hurt each other emotionally and personally.
A healthy bond of love should be built on trust and respect.
2) Just to prove your point right, if you adopt the 'fight-fight' approach and try to give your partner a 'tit-for-a-tat' in everything he/she says, you would never be able to put an end to your conflict.
In order to resolve the issue, it is necessary for both of you to keep your ego aside, take one step forward, and accept the opinion of the other.
It should be a 'win-win' situation in which both of you feel contented.
3) When you are upset, try to figure out the reason behind it.
Quarrels usually arise either when you react harshly to some present situation or when you start reliving a painful event from the past.
4) A relation of love is driven only by emotions and feelings.
Bear in mind that both you and your partner love each other and wish to feel good with each other.
Therefore, it is essential for each of you to identify your needs and expectations and express the same clearly.
Do not keep anything buried in your heart.
5) If you can reach a mutually satisfactory solution by backing up some of your requests, be flexible in your desires and accept the solution with all your heart.
6) At last, if the mutually satisfactory solution does not work, do not fight again by blaming each other for suggesting an inappropriate solution.
Make a joint effort to identify the flaw and arrive at a new solution.
Thus, with a little effort and patience, you can resolve all conflicts and make your relationship flourish all life long.