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Abdominal Flab? Try These Effective Belly Fat Reduction Tips

Is that stubborn belly flab beginning to get you down? The belly is one of those problem areas and sometimes it seems no matter what you do those extra inches refuse to shift.
Don't worry! Try these effective belly fat reduction tips and you could soon be on the way to that sculpted abdomen that you desire.
  • Set yourself realistic goals.
    You are probably impatient to see results but remember it probably took some while to build that flab and you need to be patient for the results.
    If you have an unrealistic expectation you are likely to give up
  • If you want to lose belly fat you need to exercise your whole body to burn calories and raise your metabolic rate.
    Start every work out with some exercise to get you slightly out of breath.
    20 minutes brisk waking will do it.
  • If you haven't exercised for a long while, start gently.
    Sitting up straight and then pulling in the stomach muscles is a good start.
    It's best to start with the lower stomach and gradually pull the stomach in further and further up.
    You will create a rolling motion.
    Then release and repeat.
  • Build simple stomach exercises into your daily routines.
    That last exercise can be performed while watching TV or sitting in front of the computer or on a train.
  • Crunches work really well and need no equipment.
    Lie on you back.
    Raise the knees so they point to the ceiling keeping your feet flat on the floor.
    Support your head with your hands.
    Then using your stomach muscles raise your head and shoulders a few inches then relax.
    Repeat 10 -20 times.
    Do Not pull on your head.
  • Increase the range of muscles exercised by performing side crunches.
    As above but start with the knees resting over to one side rather than straight up.
    Perform a set of 10 -20.
    Then repeat on the other side.
  • Finish your crunches with a reverse crunch to exercise the lower abdominal muscles.
    Start in the straight sit up position, but this time lift your feet and pull your knees toward your chest.
    Again perform a set of 10 - 20
  • As your muscles strengthen slowly increase the number of repetitions or even do two sets of each.
  • Reduce your calorie intake with simple changes.
    Reduce your portion size, eat more slowly, put your fork down between mouthfuls.
    Try to switch to healthy fresh fruit and vegetables and cut down processed fatty foods and snacks that are packed with sugar.
My number one tip is that you need to find a way of sticking at it.
Most people fail because they give up too easily.
You will have bad days - everyone does.
Just don't beat yourself up if you are not getting the results you want.
It may take several weeks or months but if you stick at it you will start to see results.
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