Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Seduce a Woman - It Won"t Happen Unless She Wants You

It can be pretty brutal to find out that the woman you have been courting, doing all of the things that you have been taught to do to make her fall for you, doesn't see you in that way at all.
To think that you could have spent all of that time trying so hard to be the perfect guy and at the end, all she thinks of you is as a platonic friend and nothing more can be mind boggling to say the least.
It happens, though.
Actually it happens just about all of the time.
Guys will meet a woman, be way too eager to move into that friendship zone with her right away, only to find out that they have no chance of things ever getting physical because she just doesn't feel that way about them.
That's harsh.
When that happens, you start to wonder what you really should have been doing, because you thought you were doing all of the right things and that certainly didn't seem to work out.
Problem is, while you thought you were doing all of the right things...
you were also doing all of the things that would eventually box you into the friend zone where you are not going to get out of no matter how hard you try.
If you want to seduce a woman, then you have to learn how to make her want you.
She's not going to want you just because you'll drive her around town when she needs to get around.
She's not going to want you just because you'll buy her things or because you will do just about any favor that she asks of you.
She won't want you because of those things.
What WILL make her feel like she wants you - is if you understand what it is to make her feel true desire.
How do you do that? Well, you already know what doesn't work.
It doesn't work to be the guy who is way too eager to do anything that she wants just so that you can be in her presence.
What does work is connecting with her on a level that other guys have trouble with.
You have to make her feel a combination of comfort plus attraction.
She needs to feel safe with you while at the same time wondering what it is that you really think about her.
She needs to feel like there is a mystery there that she can't help but to want to solve.
That mystery being you.
Who you are and what you are all about.
The problem when you do all of the things that you are supposed to do, there is no mystery there.
There's nothing for her to solve, she already knows.
The comfort may be there, but not the attraction.
Don't mistake a little friendly flirting with real, bona fide physical attraction.
When the physical attraction is strong enough, there will be no doubt.
You'll know what she is feeling and it won't be just you that is trying to get her attention or do things for her.
She'll be trying to get your attention and she'll be doing things for you.
When it only goes one way and you are the one that is doing all of the pushing...
you are destined to be nothing more than a platonic friend.
When it goes both ways, that's when you'll be able to seduce her and make her feel like you are the only guy that she wants to be with.
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