Going through a break is one of the toughest challenges anyone can endure.
It is a time when your emotions run wild.
You can be up one minute but equally, you can crash for what appears to be no reason at all, the next minute.
If this is happening to you, you are probably wondering what the best ways to get over a break up are.
Truth be known, how you cope with a break up will depend on your make up.
Some people cope as if nothing has happened, yet others react as if their world has fallen in on top of them.
One of the best moves you can make if you are going through a break up is to give yourself time.
Time is a wonderful healer and in the long run, this will be very helpful for you.
In the short term, taking some time out for thinking will be wonderful in helping you to clear your mind.
Being able to think clearly, will help you to work out what is going to happen in your life.
If you believe at this stage that it is over, move on.
If you believe that your relationship can be saved, then plan your moves carefully.
Acting with a clear head will be a great asset for you in the peace process.
If you come to the conclusion that there is no hope and that you need to move on, take your time and don't rush into your next romance.
This can back fire especially if you haven't resolved any outstanding issues from your previous relationship.
You may even consider taking a short break with a friend and occupy yourself this way.
If love comes your way during this process, hopefully you will be able make the most of your new situation.
On the other hand, if you feel there is a chance to get back with your lover, now that you have a clear head, follow your heart and make contact.
You may even need to apologise if this is required to resume your relationship.
Give it your best shot! If it works - fantastic! Sometimes, we all need a wakeup call in our relationship and this is what you may have needed.
The joys of getting back with a lost love can be enormous and you owe it to yourself and your partner to do your best to make this happen if it is meant to be.
Each relationship is different.
When some end - they end.
Others can be repaired and hopefully yours could be one that can be saved.
If you can make it work and make it work for good, you may never again have to think about the best ways to get over a break up.
It is a time when your emotions run wild.
You can be up one minute but equally, you can crash for what appears to be no reason at all, the next minute.
If this is happening to you, you are probably wondering what the best ways to get over a break up are.
Truth be known, how you cope with a break up will depend on your make up.
Some people cope as if nothing has happened, yet others react as if their world has fallen in on top of them.
One of the best moves you can make if you are going through a break up is to give yourself time.
Time is a wonderful healer and in the long run, this will be very helpful for you.
In the short term, taking some time out for thinking will be wonderful in helping you to clear your mind.
Being able to think clearly, will help you to work out what is going to happen in your life.
If you believe at this stage that it is over, move on.
If you believe that your relationship can be saved, then plan your moves carefully.
Acting with a clear head will be a great asset for you in the peace process.
If you come to the conclusion that there is no hope and that you need to move on, take your time and don't rush into your next romance.
This can back fire especially if you haven't resolved any outstanding issues from your previous relationship.
You may even consider taking a short break with a friend and occupy yourself this way.
If love comes your way during this process, hopefully you will be able make the most of your new situation.
On the other hand, if you feel there is a chance to get back with your lover, now that you have a clear head, follow your heart and make contact.
You may even need to apologise if this is required to resume your relationship.
Give it your best shot! If it works - fantastic! Sometimes, we all need a wakeup call in our relationship and this is what you may have needed.
The joys of getting back with a lost love can be enormous and you owe it to yourself and your partner to do your best to make this happen if it is meant to be.
Each relationship is different.
When some end - they end.
Others can be repaired and hopefully yours could be one that can be saved.
If you can make it work and make it work for good, you may never again have to think about the best ways to get over a break up.