Sick of getting rejected? Sick of being alone? In this article I want to tell you how to be more attractive to women and how to make them chase you! First of all you have to understand something.
All women will tell you that they want nice and cute guy.
The problem is that it's not exactly what they want, they just think they want it.
Actually they even don't know what they want.
Women want a confident and strong guy that will make them fill like a queen.
Women are not attracted to nice guys because nice guys are too nice.
Women want the dominant male, the leader.
So the first step to become more attractive to women is to raise your self confidence and overcome your shyness! The second big question is - how to act naturally and just be yourself with women? That probably is the most complicated part, and I want to talk a little about it! A lot of man starting to act strange when they are around the girl they like.
They give her a lot of compliments, and they just get out of their skin to please her.
Don't do that! You know why? Because that way you are not acting naturally.
When a girl comes to a date with you, she wants to get know you! She wants to see who are you and not what you are ready to do for her! Got it? Next step! Play a little hard to get with her! It's very attractive.
It's very easy to do! First of all you don't have to do everything for her, because that's way she knows that she already got you and it's kind of boring! You have to show her that she has to work a little for you, that you have your own life too! Don't call her 10 times a day, don't buy her presents or flowers - she has to earn it! Attracting women it's not about how you look or how much money you got.
We all have seen these cool guys with Ferrari hanging out with the hottest girls ever.
But in the moment the Ferrari and the money is gone, she will leave him! Because she had never liked him, she liked his money! I hope the article were helpful for you and you learned something here.
I just want you to know that even if you are fat, hairy and poor you can learn how to attract any woman you want.
See here ten top tips to succeed with women!
All women will tell you that they want nice and cute guy.
The problem is that it's not exactly what they want, they just think they want it.
Actually they even don't know what they want.
Women want a confident and strong guy that will make them fill like a queen.
Women are not attracted to nice guys because nice guys are too nice.
Women want the dominant male, the leader.
So the first step to become more attractive to women is to raise your self confidence and overcome your shyness! The second big question is - how to act naturally and just be yourself with women? That probably is the most complicated part, and I want to talk a little about it! A lot of man starting to act strange when they are around the girl they like.
They give her a lot of compliments, and they just get out of their skin to please her.
Don't do that! You know why? Because that way you are not acting naturally.
When a girl comes to a date with you, she wants to get know you! She wants to see who are you and not what you are ready to do for her! Got it? Next step! Play a little hard to get with her! It's very attractive.
It's very easy to do! First of all you don't have to do everything for her, because that's way she knows that she already got you and it's kind of boring! You have to show her that she has to work a little for you, that you have your own life too! Don't call her 10 times a day, don't buy her presents or flowers - she has to earn it! Attracting women it's not about how you look or how much money you got.
We all have seen these cool guys with Ferrari hanging out with the hottest girls ever.
But in the moment the Ferrari and the money is gone, she will leave him! Because she had never liked him, she liked his money! I hope the article were helpful for you and you learned something here.
I just want you to know that even if you are fat, hairy and poor you can learn how to attract any woman you want.
See here ten top tips to succeed with women!