- 1). Turn off the power to the amp or receiver and to the Audiosource EQ.
- 2). Hook up the two plugs on one end of a stereo cable to the audio outputs on the back of the Audiosource EQ and connect the other ends to the "Tape 2 IN" jacks on the back of the amplifier or receiver. Connect the red plugs to the right audio jacks and the white plugs to the left ones.
- 3). Connect the second stereo cable from the "Tape 2 OUT" jacks on the receiver or amp to the audio inputs on the back of the Audiosource EQ.
- 4). Turn on the power for the amp or receiver and the Audiosource EQ.
- 5). Press the "Tape 2 Monitor" button on the front of the amp or receiver to activate the connection with the Audiosource EQ. Press the button again to bypass the EQ.