- 1). Hold the piece of lumber against the mantle to make sure it is as long as the mantle is wide.
- 2). Cut the piece of lumber in half down its length, using a table saw set at an angle of 45-degrees. This will result in two pieces of lumber of equal length that interlock.
- 3). Attach the first piece of lumber to the wall, 3 inches from where the top of the mantle will go. Attach it to the wall so the pointed edge faces upwards, and leaves a gap between the wall and the point. Use the the screwdriver to drive three screws into the lumber to attach it: one at each end, and one in the middle.
- 4). Attach the other piece of lumber to the back of the mantle piece, at the top. Point the edge of the angle down, leaving a gap between the lumber and the mantle. Screw the wood into the mantle in the same way you screwed the other piece into the wall.
- 5). Lift the mantle and lower the top piece of wood into the gap created by the piece of wood attached to the wall. The two pieces of lumber interlock, creating a stable French cleat.