Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Alcohol Helping With Sex - Why is That? Does Alcohol Help Improve Sex?

The answer is not so simple, nothing ever is.
One thing is certain though, it does help people to relax and takes the edge off of some of the awkward feeling and the anxious energy that always comes along with some of the procedures leading up to sex.
But as far as alcohol helping with sex itself, I do not think so.
But everyone is different and what is one mans meat is another mans' poison.
A lot of men use it to last longer.
This is not a good Idea.
What ends up happening is what therapists call "State Dependent Learning.
" Once the body learns to function while under the influence it assumes that influence as necessary and will not function properly without it.
You will ultimately become attached to the alcohol as a means to function sexually.
This is not a good thing at all.
You will not be happy with this outcome and in the end it causes a lot of other health concerns far beyond just those of a sexual nature.
Alcohol is a drug.
There are no questions about it.
It has unpredictable side effects.
It generally causes sedation and drowsiness.
In small doses alcohol might decrease psychological inhibitions which may seem to stimulate an increase in desire.
However, alcohol has a dehydration element to it and chronic use can cause erectile dysfunction and damage your ability to achieve an erection all together.
Large amounts of alcohol and again chronic use is known for causing Neuropathy which is damage to the nerves and in turn causes E.
and orgasmic disorder.
In fact, the reason that I even considered writing this article is for anybody concerned, Man or Woman, to understand that the problems caused by alcohol Far outweigh the benefits in almost every aspect imaginable.
For most people small amounts of alcohol are consumed in order to relax and get in the mood.
This is by all means perfect and what it was intended for.
We all know however that when we are relaxed and let our guard down not all of us make the very best decisions.
But for those who are a little more cautious and only consume alcohol in good company and in small amounts it can be a very pleasant addition to the experience of sex.
Anything more and trouble comes along and usually in the form of big regrets.
Its just more important to your sexual performance to be lucid and comprehensive in every way possible.
In the end alcohol helping with sex is just inviting trouble.
The only thing that can help you have better sex is you.
By using your mind and your imagination.
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