As a guy, your natural instinct is to want to be able to create sexual attraction with just about any woman that you meet.
I know, only in a fantasy world or a paradise would this happen, right? I mean, you really cannot create sexual attraction with women like that, can YOU? Well, you have seen many guys before that for some reason, have no problem when it comes to attracting women.
It's almost as if they had a SECRET, a sexual energy that just attracted women like a magnet.
And you wish you had that ability, too! Any man can learn how to trigger a woman's attraction, once he understands what it is that drives a woman to be attracted to certain men.
So, what are a few things YOU should know? 1.
You have to be able to get her curious about YOU.
If you can pique her interest, her curiosity about you, you are further along than most men.
And you are that much closer to being able to attract her and build that attraction until she is hot with desire for YOU.
You cannot seem too NEEDY for her attention.
Too many men will be so transparent with the fact that they are really longing for a girlfriend.
And they show this right from the first minute they meet a woman.
This is not going to make her want you.
It will drive her AWAY from you.
She has to FEEL sparks when she is with YOU.
Unless you can give her that electrical charge, you are not going to get anywhere with a woman sexually.
Women have to feel that energy and that chemistry if they are really going to fall for a man.
I know, only in a fantasy world or a paradise would this happen, right? I mean, you really cannot create sexual attraction with women like that, can YOU? Well, you have seen many guys before that for some reason, have no problem when it comes to attracting women.
It's almost as if they had a SECRET, a sexual energy that just attracted women like a magnet.
And you wish you had that ability, too! Any man can learn how to trigger a woman's attraction, once he understands what it is that drives a woman to be attracted to certain men.
So, what are a few things YOU should know? 1.
You have to be able to get her curious about YOU.
If you can pique her interest, her curiosity about you, you are further along than most men.
And you are that much closer to being able to attract her and build that attraction until she is hot with desire for YOU.
You cannot seem too NEEDY for her attention.
Too many men will be so transparent with the fact that they are really longing for a girlfriend.
And they show this right from the first minute they meet a woman.
This is not going to make her want you.
It will drive her AWAY from you.
She has to FEEL sparks when she is with YOU.
Unless you can give her that electrical charge, you are not going to get anywhere with a woman sexually.
Women have to feel that energy and that chemistry if they are really going to fall for a man.