Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Instructions To Build A Picket FenceThe Ideal Remedy For Your Worries

Do you worry about your children getting to the road outside your house accidentally? One way to prevent such an occurring is to build a picket fence. You can do this yourself, if you have access to the correct instructions to build a picket fence. They are great to keep your pets out of harm's way, too.

A picket fence is one of the best ways to define the boundary of your house. It is also good for hiding a bad view. It can complement the beauty of your house, and can even add to it. For this you have to ensure that it is in keeping with the style of the house-whether traditional or modern. When you follow proper instructions, it is also easy and fun to build.

Before you start to build, it is best to have a survey done to determine the actual boundary of your property. Also keep your neighbors informed about your plans. A call to your local water, electricity, phone and gas companies is needed for them to inform you about the locations of their lines. One more item in the check list is to find out if the building codes in your area or neighborhood permit the building of fences.

The area you live in would determine the species of wood you would use to build the picket fence. The most commonly used variety includes Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar, Whitewoods and Treated Wood. Selection of the type of wood depends on how compatible it is with your home as well as your budget.

The first step to be done is to determine the area you want to be fenced in. This will be easy if you have already taken the measurements of your property and marked them down. Next comes the hardest part in the building of a picket fence which is the digging of postholes. The degree of difficulty depends on the length of the fence and the hardness of the soil. If the length is short, a manual posthole digger would do. However, if the length is big, you may have to go in for a gas powered posthole digger.

It is important to read all the safety instructions in the plans before beginning your project. Wearing protective gear including approved dust mask, safety glasses and ear protection at all times while working should be given priority. The tools and materials should be kept out of reach of children. If you have selected treated timber for the picket fence, left over timber should not be used as firewood as it is toxic.

Instructions in the plans have to be scrupulously followed so as to minimize errors. The building can be time consuming, and it is best to plan the work taking this into consideration. All the necessary tools and equipments should be kept handy, and those which you lack may be purchased from the nearby hardware store. Once the fence is made, it is time for the finishing. After applying a primer, it is best to use two coats of any good exterior house paint. If the wood you have used is pressure treated, it is best to wait for six months before painting it. This is for the chemicals used in the pressure treating process to weather. A clear water proof sealant will give it the added protection from all types of climate conditions.

You can be truly proud of your achievement once the work is over. As important as its usefulness is the satisfaction you derive out of building it.
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