Society & Culture  & Entertainment: When Is Divine Mercy Sunday 2018?

When Is Divine Mercy Sunday 2018?

Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Octave of Easter (the Sunday after Easter Sunday). Find the date of Divine Mercy Sunday 2018.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Resistance- The Block To Healing

Resistance- The Block To Healing

Have you gone to many healers but no one has been able to help you? Do psychics have trouble reading you? Is it hard for you to believe that anything will ever get better in your life? I have good news for you! There could be a very simple reason for why your efforts have failed in the past! You lik

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Fundamentally Flawed

Fundamentally Flawed

As the presidential election heats up, each candidate is using whatever means possible to successfully attack their opponent. Religion inevitably becomes the basis for some of these attacks through the candidates' need to appeal to ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Are Psychic Readings Over The Phone Real?

Are Psychic Readings Over The Phone Real?

Are psychic readings over the phone real? It is actually powerful and successful if you are conversing with the AUTHENTIC counselors. Find more details about this service here!

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Is The World Ending?

Is The World Ending?

Who really knows when the end is coming, is it Armageddon or the end of times? The Mayan left us their calendar and translated by historians we have ancient physical proof of the end of a civilization. In the Bible you have ancient words of GOD translated by man that have always been with us and tha

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Top Illustrated Sikh Storybooks For Little Ones

Top Illustrated Sikh Storybooks For Little Ones

Illustrated story books are a powerful and enjoyable way to teach the values and principles of Sikhism to children and adults alike. Open avenues of dialogue between parents and children. Promote discussion and exploration among teachers and students. You won't want to be without these must hav

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Abduction Experiences - Signs & Symptoms

Abduction Experiences - Signs & Symptoms

The EXPANDING nature of the UNIVERSE is causing an atomic molecular decay to occur which feels like time passing to a human being. Within that TIME is the entire state of the cosmos as it ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Definitive Guide to Mormons and Politics

Definitive Guide to Mormons and Politics

In current times, most Mormons identify with conservative, Republican values. This is especially true for moral and social issues prominent now.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Definition of Atheism from Theologians

Definition of Atheism from Theologians

Although misunderstandings about the definition of atheism have tended to come from theists, it is also true that many theists have recognized that atheism has a broader sense than simply 'denial of the existence of gods.' Included here are quotes from a few of them.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Eat, Pray, Love Disenchantment Of Today

The Eat, Pray, Love Disenchantment Of Today

It’s a beautiful dream - to travel the world and find what brings you happiness through food, wine, romance and prayer. How many people read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, wanting to jump on the next plane to anywhere that would take them out of their own world of disenchantment.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bulletin Board Ideas for Fall Festivals

Bulletin Board Ideas for Fall Festivals

Bulletin Boardbulletin board image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comBring your imagination and creative skills to making an appealing and effective bulletin board for a fall festival. Use fall-related decorations, images and even language to inspire viewers to attend your fall festival....

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Be a Catholic Lawyer

How to Be a Catholic Lawyer

Catholic lawyers are most commonly referred to as canon lawyers. Canon lawyers study and practice canon law, which is the legal system of the Catholic Church. Canon law is the oldest legal system that still exists in the Western world. Much like civic law, it has developed over time, but its origina

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Akshardham Experience

The Akshardham Experience

An excerpt from the Indian President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s eloquent address at the inauguration of Swaminarayan Akshardham Cultural Complex in New Delhi on Nov 7, 2005.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: VBS Crafts for One Year Olds

VBS Crafts for One Year Olds

Vacation Bible school is a time that many children look forward to every summer. Many churches offer VBS classes for school-aged children, and some are brave enough to invite even the youngest toddlers to join the fun. If you have been given the responsibility of teaching a class of...