LDS members believes governments are necessary and for our benefit. What's more, Heavenly Father commands us to obey whatever governmental system we live under. He will hold leaders responsible for how they administer these earthly governments.
The Constitution of the United States is particularly revered by Mormons.
LDS Members Should Understand Our Current Political System
The intricacies of our political system can be confusing for anyone, not just Mormons.
The United States political party system largely functions around two major parties, Republicans and Democrats.
However, everyone has their own political ideology. To discover yours, you need to ask yourself some basic questions and review your beliefs. Then, review the political parties to see which party is most consistent with your ideology and become active in that party.
Mormons in a Political Nutshell
Mormons are unified on many things. Right now, Mormons are largely unified under one political party banner, the Republican party. LDS members are overwhelmingly conservative and Republican. Current survey research underscores these facts.
By virtue of LDS beliefs, Mormons typically ally themselves with Republicans because they favor smaller government, a strong defense, strong religious protections and so forth. Attitudes on most moral and social issues ally them with Republicans. In addition, they abhor public assistance that does not lead to self-reliance. Right now, these views place them solidly in conservative, Republican territory.
On the flip side, the Church has been, and remains, politically neutral. No partisan political gatherings can take place on Church property. Political discussions rarely take place during church meetings and then usually in only general terms. The Church encourages all members to vote and be involved in the political process. It does nothing to indicate one political party is preferable to another.
The Special Situation of Mormon Democrats
In the past, LDS members were more aligned with the Democratic party rather than the Republican. This is no longer the case.
However, that does not mean that Mormons always identify with the Republican party now. Being a Mormon Democrat is possible. You just have to resolve the national party's position on social issues for yourself. Some of them are at odds with LDS theology.
Government Lessons for Us All
Throughout the Book of Mormon and other scripture, we are given guidance on governments, our responsibilities as citizens and so forth.
We know that democracy is preferable to most other earthly government systems. However, conspiracies can threaten freedom, regardless of what type of system you live under. How we operate under these conditions is crucial for whether or not we can retain the freedoms we enjoy. Supporting righteous government leaders is one key; avoiding persecution that causes inequality is another.
Military Action and Defense of Life, Liberty, Home and Family
Mormons may be peace loving, but they are not pacifists. Some issues are worth fighting for and this includes military action. Freedom is one of these issues. The others include life, liberty, home and family.
War is sometimes necessary. However, it should be a defensive war, not one of aggression. Heavenly Father has commanded us to obey our earthly leaders. He will hold them primarily accountable for wars. We have guidance and assurance from scripture and leaders on these issues, including examples of righteous military leaders and unrighteous military leaders.
Current Political Dilemmas: Same-Sex and Gender Issues
A handful of heated political issues dominate society right now. They involve issues of same-sex attraction and marriage.
We need to remember what the scriptures warn us about persecution and inequality, in addition to the teachings on morality and chastity.
The Church will not change its position on same-sex marriage, either now or in the future. Its statements from the past are still relevant.
However, by reaching out to others in an effort to find common ground and basis for agreement, the Church helped the state of Utah draft a measure that protects LGBT rights and matters of religious freedom and conscience.
Church positions on further issues, like transgender beliefs, will be addressed in the future. However, its likely position can be inferred from truths we already know.