SYNOPSIS: The purpose of Human life is to free ourself from the cycle of birth and rebirths. By utilizing it rightly we can free ourself once and for all from the vicious cycle of 8.4 million rebirths. READ FULL ARTICLE BELOW -
After being born in 8.4 million different bodies as per the deeds done in our previous births, the Merciful LORD has given us birth in Human body which is also called the €Mukti Yoni€ ( body empowered for attaining salvation). Granting birth in Human body is a great act of mercy of GOD because we can utilize the human body for attaining salvation. Due to the presence of wisdom in human life, we can very well ascertain and judge the purpose of Human life. (According to Hindu mythology, the soul is immortal but the soul gets a human body after rotation in 8.4 million different bodies.)
If we analysis animal species, whether it is aquatic, subaerial or terrestrial, we can observe that they spend a big part of their life in search of food and in taking measures of self defense for their life against danger from bigger species. If we observe a crow or a squirrel closely, we will see that they go out to search food in the morning. All through the day they have to be vigilant about the safety of their life as any lapse can result in their loss of life. A crow or a squirrel would look up and look around umpteen times to ascertain their safety before feeding itself with one bite of food. Smaller species have fear from bigger species. The bigger species have fear from humans. Due to the flense of tiger skin by the humans in greed of money, many tigers keep losing their life. Therefore to remember or worship GOD in the animal body is almost impossible. Very few animal species due to their past good deeds are fortunate enough to find shelter near temples. You must have seen monkeys, Holy cow and pigeons near temples- few of the fortunate among them attempt for salvation in an animal body. By doing so they may not get salvation but they definitely get their next birth in a human body so that they can revisit their efforts for attaining salvation.
Human life is definitely a paramount blessing of ALMIGHTY GOD because it is a great medium to escape permanently from the cycle of rebirths in 8.4 million bodies. Therefore we must best utilize the human birth by remaining close of GOD, so that we are freed from the vicious cycle of 8.4 million rebirths - it is because of this that the human life is described by the saints as €Mukti Yoni€ (body empowered for attaining salvation).
But see our misfortune that we spend our human life, earned with such difficulty, in useless deeds and also create new €Karma Bandhan€ (the aftereffect of the deeds done by us). In this way even after getting a birth in €Mukti Yoni€ we earn €shackles€ instead of €salvation€. A bigger misfortune unfolds when due to the ill-effect of illusion, we do not even recall / foresee our mistake. The saints and great souls have alerted us with the warning not to repeat this mistake in our human life. Many hymns and lyrics of such warning can be found. Kabirdasji, Bhagwati Meera Bai, Surdasji and many such saints have sung hymns with such warning - warning to rightfully utilize the human life, request to go along in the company of ALMIGHTY GOD.
When we come closer to GOD, we get the vision to identify such mistake and it is GOD who gives us the inspiration from within to rectify such blunder of human life. Otherwise our human life could have been wasted in earning food, in sleep and in coition. Over indulgence in earning food, in sleep and in coition are the characteristics of animal species. To only engage the human life in food (earning money), to only engage the human life in sleep (lounging), to only engage the human life in coition (raising offsprings) is an act of unwiseness. But you will find people, who after earning a fortune in their lifetime, still at the age of 65 are engaged in earning money. You will find people who have spent their entire life in lounging. They have trained themselves for doing nothing. You will find people who continue to raise a family with 8-10 children. In such a situation they do not have a vision to focus on the purpose of human life, neither they have the inclination to associate themselves with the LORD nor do they have time for it.
But there are some fortunate people who have such vision due to the blessing of GOD earned because of the good deeds done in their past lives. What is this blessing? A determination to seek GOD through devotion, to take strides on the devotional path. There is a greater blessing - the highest blessing of GOD - which protects the devotees on the devotional path at all times ( If it were not so, a storm of worldly illusion is enough to sweep the soul into worldliness) and thus the LORD showers His mercy on his devotees. Thus the blessing works to free the soul from the cycle of birth and rebirths once and for all. In this way the soul is able to utilize the human body in fulfilling the purpose of human life.
The blessing of ALMIGHTY GOD is received either due to the good deeds done in the past lives or due to perusing devotion vigorously in this present life. Therefore even if a small amount of devotion towards GOD is present in us, we must acknowledge it as an act of mercy of ALMIGHTY GOD on us and must make efforts so that the seed of devotion can grow into a big tree thereby fulfilling the very purpose of human life.
After being born in 8.4 million different bodies as per the deeds done in our previous births, the Merciful LORD has given us birth in Human body which is also called the €Mukti Yoni€ ( body empowered for attaining salvation). Granting birth in Human body is a great act of mercy of GOD because we can utilize the human body for attaining salvation. Due to the presence of wisdom in human life, we can very well ascertain and judge the purpose of Human life. (According to Hindu mythology, the soul is immortal but the soul gets a human body after rotation in 8.4 million different bodies.)
If we analysis animal species, whether it is aquatic, subaerial or terrestrial, we can observe that they spend a big part of their life in search of food and in taking measures of self defense for their life against danger from bigger species. If we observe a crow or a squirrel closely, we will see that they go out to search food in the morning. All through the day they have to be vigilant about the safety of their life as any lapse can result in their loss of life. A crow or a squirrel would look up and look around umpteen times to ascertain their safety before feeding itself with one bite of food. Smaller species have fear from bigger species. The bigger species have fear from humans. Due to the flense of tiger skin by the humans in greed of money, many tigers keep losing their life. Therefore to remember or worship GOD in the animal body is almost impossible. Very few animal species due to their past good deeds are fortunate enough to find shelter near temples. You must have seen monkeys, Holy cow and pigeons near temples- few of the fortunate among them attempt for salvation in an animal body. By doing so they may not get salvation but they definitely get their next birth in a human body so that they can revisit their efforts for attaining salvation.
Human life is definitely a paramount blessing of ALMIGHTY GOD because it is a great medium to escape permanently from the cycle of rebirths in 8.4 million bodies. Therefore we must best utilize the human birth by remaining close of GOD, so that we are freed from the vicious cycle of 8.4 million rebirths - it is because of this that the human life is described by the saints as €Mukti Yoni€ (body empowered for attaining salvation).
But see our misfortune that we spend our human life, earned with such difficulty, in useless deeds and also create new €Karma Bandhan€ (the aftereffect of the deeds done by us). In this way even after getting a birth in €Mukti Yoni€ we earn €shackles€ instead of €salvation€. A bigger misfortune unfolds when due to the ill-effect of illusion, we do not even recall / foresee our mistake. The saints and great souls have alerted us with the warning not to repeat this mistake in our human life. Many hymns and lyrics of such warning can be found. Kabirdasji, Bhagwati Meera Bai, Surdasji and many such saints have sung hymns with such warning - warning to rightfully utilize the human life, request to go along in the company of ALMIGHTY GOD.
When we come closer to GOD, we get the vision to identify such mistake and it is GOD who gives us the inspiration from within to rectify such blunder of human life. Otherwise our human life could have been wasted in earning food, in sleep and in coition. Over indulgence in earning food, in sleep and in coition are the characteristics of animal species. To only engage the human life in food (earning money), to only engage the human life in sleep (lounging), to only engage the human life in coition (raising offsprings) is an act of unwiseness. But you will find people, who after earning a fortune in their lifetime, still at the age of 65 are engaged in earning money. You will find people who have spent their entire life in lounging. They have trained themselves for doing nothing. You will find people who continue to raise a family with 8-10 children. In such a situation they do not have a vision to focus on the purpose of human life, neither they have the inclination to associate themselves with the LORD nor do they have time for it.
But there are some fortunate people who have such vision due to the blessing of GOD earned because of the good deeds done in their past lives. What is this blessing? A determination to seek GOD through devotion, to take strides on the devotional path. There is a greater blessing - the highest blessing of GOD - which protects the devotees on the devotional path at all times ( If it were not so, a storm of worldly illusion is enough to sweep the soul into worldliness) and thus the LORD showers His mercy on his devotees. Thus the blessing works to free the soul from the cycle of birth and rebirths once and for all. In this way the soul is able to utilize the human body in fulfilling the purpose of human life.
The blessing of ALMIGHTY GOD is received either due to the good deeds done in the past lives or due to perusing devotion vigorously in this present life. Therefore even if a small amount of devotion towards GOD is present in us, we must acknowledge it as an act of mercy of ALMIGHTY GOD on us and must make efforts so that the seed of devotion can grow into a big tree thereby fulfilling the very purpose of human life.