Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Why God is NOT Angry When You Sin

Today I'm attacking Christian Religion Lie #33: "God Is Angry When You Sin".
Is God REALLY angry when you sin? Does sin make Him so angry He can't even look at you or is disappointed in you? Read this article now to get the answers to these questions and more! You can NOT exhaust God's patience as a Christian.
You can NOT make God angry enough to make Him leave you.
(Or even make Him angry!) God never gets mad at you.
Scripture prove it :) Let's break it down...
The only time God got mad...
The only time God got mad in the Bible was in the Old Testament over sin.
The CROSS is the difference now! You see, God sent Himself/His Son to the cross to bear the penalty for ALL the world's sin - to bear ALL of God's anger and wrath over sin - all at one time and with one ultimate sacrifice.
Because of this sacrifice all your past sins were forgiven...
all your present sins are forgiven...
and all the sins you will EVER commit have already been paid for by Jesus' blood.
Your "Dead in Adam" spirit, your "sin nature" was put to death on the cross because at the moment of salvation you were put "in to Jesus" - into His life.
And on top of that, when Jesus arose from the dead - your new spirit arose with Him.
You now have Jesus Christ residing in you.
So if God were to get angry at you now when you sin, two things would also have to be true...
God would be getting angry over sins He has ALREADY forgiven you for.
That's not right and is not true of God...
God would be getting made at His very life inside you-the life of Christ.
Check out Isaiah 54:9-10 (the message, emphasis mine)
"This exile is just like the days of Noah for me: I promised then that the waters of Noah would never again flood the earth.
I'm promising now no more anger, no more dressing you down.
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won't walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart.
" The God who has compassion on you says so.
You may be thinking...
"So God doesn't care when I sin?" No, God cares.
He's bothered...
but He doesn't get angry with you.
He's bothered because He knows what sin is going to do in your life.
All causes have an effect.
All sin has an effect.
"you reap what you sow".
So God doesn't like to see His children sin because He knows it will hurt them...
It's like watching a small child reach out and touch a hot stove top: You're bothered that they touched the stove top because you know it hurt the child...
but you're not angry at the Child for doing it...
the child simply made a mistake.
It doesn't mean they're a bad kid - they just slipped up and touched a hot stove...
and now that it's going to hurt them, it hurts you too.
It's the same way with our heavenly Father! So the idea that "God is angry when you sin" is a LIE - God loves you and won't get angry with you no matter what - He's already bought you for a price (1 Corinthians 6:20) and that price was the life of His son.
So don't listen to this one, it's a lie and it will keep you from running back to your Father's arms after you sin - where you belong :)
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