Can you still remember all of the words to the Pledge of Allegiance? Most of us recited the pledge every single school day from Kindergarten all the way through the sixth grade.
Some junior high and high schools also required a daily flag salute and the recitation.
This being the case, can you remember all of the words? Can you still rattle it off without thinking like most of us could do by the middle of our kindergarten year? "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
" Hey! I can do it! It's funny how those two little worlds "under God" have caused such a ruckus.
Many people insist that our country was founded on the idea of the freedom of religion.
Others insist that forcing children to recite the words "under god" is forcing a single religion down school children's throats-a religion that might not be taught or encouraged at home.
A few years ago a Congressperson caused quite a stir when he recited the entire pledge-without the words "under God.
" Suddenly people were screaming that he wasn't patriotic at all.
What do you think? Do you think that religion should play a part in our politics, or should the two be kept completely separate? Would it surprise you to learn that the original pledge did not contain religion at all? It was added in the 1950s as homage to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
The Washington Post's website has published an article that claims it is time to take the phrase back out of the pledge.
When the phrase was added to the pledge, the primary religion in the United States was one of the Protestant Sects and only five percent of the population did not claim any single religion.
Today the United States has a much larger variety of religions within its borders.
Today, there are people who claim Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, Muslim and Wicca (among a few others) as well as those who claim traditional Christian and Jewish sects as their religions.
The Washington post agues that "under god" and religion be stricken from the pledge because the greatest threat to the United States is not those who are "godless" but those who are "fundamentalist" in their religion-willing to harm or kill anyone who does not subscribe to their exact belief system.
The Post argues that our beliefs about religion are not what set us apart from other nations, but that our tolerance of each religion is what makes us unique.
What do you think about the topic? Do you think that the pledge should acknowledge religion and, if so, how should that acknowledgment of religion happen? Not everyone is of a monotheistic faith.
How do you incorporate each religion without the pledge taking five or six hours to recite?
Some junior high and high schools also required a daily flag salute and the recitation.
This being the case, can you remember all of the words? Can you still rattle it off without thinking like most of us could do by the middle of our kindergarten year? "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
" Hey! I can do it! It's funny how those two little worlds "under God" have caused such a ruckus.
Many people insist that our country was founded on the idea of the freedom of religion.
Others insist that forcing children to recite the words "under god" is forcing a single religion down school children's throats-a religion that might not be taught or encouraged at home.
A few years ago a Congressperson caused quite a stir when he recited the entire pledge-without the words "under God.
" Suddenly people were screaming that he wasn't patriotic at all.
What do you think? Do you think that religion should play a part in our politics, or should the two be kept completely separate? Would it surprise you to learn that the original pledge did not contain religion at all? It was added in the 1950s as homage to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
The Washington Post's website has published an article that claims it is time to take the phrase back out of the pledge.
When the phrase was added to the pledge, the primary religion in the United States was one of the Protestant Sects and only five percent of the population did not claim any single religion.
Today the United States has a much larger variety of religions within its borders.
Today, there are people who claim Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, Muslim and Wicca (among a few others) as well as those who claim traditional Christian and Jewish sects as their religions.
The Washington post agues that "under god" and religion be stricken from the pledge because the greatest threat to the United States is not those who are "godless" but those who are "fundamentalist" in their religion-willing to harm or kill anyone who does not subscribe to their exact belief system.
The Post argues that our beliefs about religion are not what set us apart from other nations, but that our tolerance of each religion is what makes us unique.
What do you think about the topic? Do you think that the pledge should acknowledge religion and, if so, how should that acknowledgment of religion happen? Not everyone is of a monotheistic faith.
How do you incorporate each religion without the pledge taking five or six hours to recite?