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Dutiesplace of worship, religious, wedding, ceremony image by Paul Retherford from Fotolia.com
Arrive at least 30 minutes early and dress professionally. For example, for men, wear a suit or a jacket and slacks. For women, wear a skirt or slacks and a jacket. Check with the pastor or priest for special directions regarding the service. Check to see if the church pews are clean and that each bench has a hymnal and a Bible available to all. If there are kneeling benches, make sure they are clean and that they are up so no accidents occur. - 2). Receive the incoming congregation. Open the church doors. Stay by the door to open it for the incoming parishioners. Greet guests and parishioners with a smile and make them feel welcome with a warm handshake. While greeting, hand out the church bulletin and guide people to their seat. Keep the main entrance from getting congested.
- 3). Lead guests and visitors around the church so they know where everything is.
- 4). Pass out and collect the offering plate at the appropriate point in the service.
- 5). Stay for approximately 30 minutes after the service to straighten out the church and the pews.