Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hareidi Conundrum

Hareidi Conundrum

It is difficult to believe that that at one end of the spectrum we see the transcendent behavior, and heartfelt feelings of the hareidi community, but at the other end of the spectrum we see the myopic, insular and heartless behavior of the same community. While they are not identical communities, o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Building A Church

Building A Church

If you are active in the the service of the lord, you may know how much we are often tested in his divine service. Our own ministry, for many years, had to preach out of ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Capture the Look and Feel of "Victory!"

How to Capture the Look and Feel of "Victory!"

Suppose you could look and feel like "Victory?" and capture the feeling of momentous triumph at will? What difference would that make in your success journey if you felt like you just scored the winning ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Incalculable Measures of God's Faithfulness

The Incalculable Measures of God's Faithfulness

We know that God's faithfulness is great - so great we cannot measure it. That is, God's general faithfulness through the provision and sustenance of creation. But then God's faithfulness gets personal.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Stained Glass Angel

Stained Glass Angel

Traditional stain-glass angel tops the Christmas Tree.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dismiss The Hurdles on the Path of love Marriage

Dismiss The Hurdles on the Path of love Marriage

Marriage is such a unique emotion that can be expelled by no any other relation. The sooth and security you feel in your lovers arms can't be felt in the arms of someone else.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Battle of Armageddon: Jesus Christ vs. the Antichrist

Battle of Armageddon: Jesus Christ vs. the Antichrist

The Battle of Armageddon, predicted by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation, will pit Jesus Christ against the forces of evil. See how it will be the final victory for Jesus and his followers.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Only The Gods Know

Only The Gods Know

There are certain perks to dating a person who is spiritually mature. You'll find that there are deeper conversations, and that a lot of childish, petty issues get resolved in a more diplomatic way. You've ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Step-by-Step Guide for Performing Hajj

Step-by-Step Guide for Performing Hajj

There are five pillars of Islam: believe in one God and his prophet Muhammad, say daily prayers, give alms to the poor, fast during times of purification and make the hajj, which is the Arabic term for a pilgrimage to Mecca. Of these, the hajj is the most difficult. All adult Muslims of sound mind,

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Learning to Get Along With People of Other Religions

Learning to Get Along With People of Other Religions

It's a world of diversity. So diverse that of all the billions of people in this world, not any of us are the same. Not one person is exactly like another. That's the beautiful thing about our world. So, why can't we get along?