Who really knows when the end is coming, is it Armageddon or the end of times? The Mayans left us their calendar and translated by historians we have ancient physical proof of the end of a civilization.
In the Bible you have ancient words of GOD translated by man that have always been with us and that we forget to read.
Armageddon, derived from the name Megiddo is in Palestine where the last battle between great nations will be fought according to Webster's dictionary.
Further explanation can be found on the internet under Wikipedia, Armageddon is a transliteration of Ancient Greek equivalent of the Hebrew expression, 'Har Megiddo'.
Megiddo was the site of the last war or mountain of assembly of troops.
According to National Geographic Chanel on the internet, the historians who translated the Mayan Dresden codex, the Mayan Long calendar stops after 5000 years in 2012.
No one can determine why the Mayans ended the calendar after 5000 years.
What were they trying to tell us? Were they telling us of the end of their world or culture? If so, we now know they were wrong, their culture disappeared.
What were they trying to tell us about the world ending? These same historians tell us the Dresden codex describes the events of the ending of the world as dragon or crocodile with water coming out, flooding the earth.
Woman or goddess pouring water out, goddess name is Chac Chel means great, red and arc of heaven.
This could mean a lot of rain.
There are other symbols meaning war or world flooding or failure of world ecosystems.
Similarities are found in Dresden Codex and the Bibles.
In the Bible, Book of Revelations, Apostle John is given a dream.
Revelations 12:1-3: A great sign appears in heaven: a woman and a great fiery red dragon.
Next verses 4-6: The dragon stands before the lady, and she fled into the wilderness, to a place prepared by GOD.
They should feed her for one thousand two hundred sixty days.
Verses 7-12: depict a great war and the dragon is cast out of heaven to earth, in verse 13 he persecuted the woman.
In verses 14-17 he chases her into the wilderness and spews water out of his mouth like a flood to drown her.
My Lord gave his disciples many signs and things to watch for: wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences.
In short, our world will be and is, today; falling apart, and yet we will still go to work, or follow our daily routines, like any other day.
My Lord, Jesus Christ, said, in Matthew verse 24-30: 'Immediately after the tribulation, we will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory'.
In conclusion My Lord, Jesus Christ, said in Matthew 24:36: 'But of that day and hour NO ONE KNOWS, not even the angels of heaven.
Who or what do you believe?
In the Bible you have ancient words of GOD translated by man that have always been with us and that we forget to read.
Armageddon, derived from the name Megiddo is in Palestine where the last battle between great nations will be fought according to Webster's dictionary.
Further explanation can be found on the internet under Wikipedia, Armageddon is a transliteration of Ancient Greek equivalent of the Hebrew expression, 'Har Megiddo'.
Megiddo was the site of the last war or mountain of assembly of troops.
According to National Geographic Chanel on the internet, the historians who translated the Mayan Dresden codex, the Mayan Long calendar stops after 5000 years in 2012.
No one can determine why the Mayans ended the calendar after 5000 years.
What were they trying to tell us? Were they telling us of the end of their world or culture? If so, we now know they were wrong, their culture disappeared.
What were they trying to tell us about the world ending? These same historians tell us the Dresden codex describes the events of the ending of the world as dragon or crocodile with water coming out, flooding the earth.
Woman or goddess pouring water out, goddess name is Chac Chel means great, red and arc of heaven.
This could mean a lot of rain.
There are other symbols meaning war or world flooding or failure of world ecosystems.
Similarities are found in Dresden Codex and the Bibles.
In the Bible, Book of Revelations, Apostle John is given a dream.
Revelations 12:1-3: A great sign appears in heaven: a woman and a great fiery red dragon.
Next verses 4-6: The dragon stands before the lady, and she fled into the wilderness, to a place prepared by GOD.
They should feed her for one thousand two hundred sixty days.
Verses 7-12: depict a great war and the dragon is cast out of heaven to earth, in verse 13 he persecuted the woman.
In verses 14-17 he chases her into the wilderness and spews water out of his mouth like a flood to drown her.
My Lord gave his disciples many signs and things to watch for: wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences.
In short, our world will be and is, today; falling apart, and yet we will still go to work, or follow our daily routines, like any other day.
My Lord, Jesus Christ, said, in Matthew verse 24-30: 'Immediately after the tribulation, we will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory'.
In conclusion My Lord, Jesus Christ, said in Matthew 24:36: 'But of that day and hour NO ONE KNOWS, not even the angels of heaven.
Who or what do you believe?