Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Scorpio 2010

Scorpio 2010

A 2010 horoscope for Scorpio, from your guide to astrology.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 5 Of The World' s Most Stunning Pagodas

5 Of The World' s Most Stunning Pagodas

Pagodas are a very important part of South and South East Asian history. A lot of money, time and religious significance goes into building each and every one of them.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Do A Tarot Reading

How to Do A Tarot Reading

So, you want to know how to do a Tarot reading? Before you do, make sure you are familiar with the basics of the deck. You can use a reference for the details, but an ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Does Archangel Raphael Heal People in the Bible's Book of Tobit?

How Does Archangel Raphael Heal People in the Bible's Book of Tobit?

Here's the story of how archangel Raphael (also known as Saint Raphael) heals people both physically and spiritually while accompanying a boy on a journey, as described in the Book of Tobit (considered part of the Bible by Catholic and Orthodox Christians)...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hauntings At Crowley Hall?

Hauntings At Crowley Hall?

A property developer in England has had to stop work on the housing development at Crowley Hall, after claims of mysterious paranormal happenings.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How can a Chakra Reading Benefit You?

How can a Chakra Reading Benefit You?

Practical guidance and basic insight on the seven major chakras. Information on the importance of balanced chakras and the effects of blockage.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Fatima Apparitions and Beyond - How We Can Console Catholic Mary

Fatima Apparitions and Beyond - How We Can Console Catholic Mary

Did you know that Mary's heart is pierced with thorns at 'every moment by ungrateful men'? In this article, I'll be looking at the words of Jesus and Mary to Sr Lucia (one of the Fatima seers) when she was a religious sister, a few years after the Fatima apparitions, during the 1

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why Jewish Men Cover Their Heads

Why Jewish Men Cover Their Heads

It is a longstanding tradition for Jewish men to cover their heads, especially when outside the home. In modern times, this is most often accomplished by means of wearing a skullcap, known as a kippah (pl. kippot). It is sometimes referred to by the Yiddish term, yarmulke.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Techniques Of Relaxation A Know How

Techniques Of Relaxation A Know How

Proper techniques of relaxation help us to relieve stress and provide a better quality of life. Relaxation techniques are simply stress management methods that help one to relax, decreasing the level of stress in the body.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Different Characteristics of Men and Women From God

The Different Characteristics of Men and Women From God

Deuteronomy 7:21 describes God as great and awesome. Humans can never fully understand everything about him because he is incomprehensible. The Bible constantly points out that God is different in every way from men and women. While some try to bring God down to human level, or elevate themselves to

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: True Greatness

True Greatness

We are obsessed with competition. We want to be the best, the fastest, the richest, the strongest, the greatest. But what does it really mean to be the greatest? As Christians aren't we supposed to strive for perfection? How does God define greatness?" />

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Christian Discernment: a Practical Definition

Christian Discernment: a Practical Definition

What is really involved in Christian discernment? Is it something mystical? An inner sense? Or is it more practical than that? Here are the three “D's” that define discernment and make it practical in

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Silver and Gold.

Silver and Gold.

Silver and Gold. If ever there was a time to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as Lord, today is the day. The financial world is lieing to all. They are saying that this ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Your Weekly Forecast

Your Weekly Forecast

Weekly Forecast/Horoscope: The main twisters, storms and especially sunny skies in the cosmic weather for the current week.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ayahuasca - Medicine for the Soul Part 5

Ayahuasca - Medicine for the Soul Part 5

Ayahuasca, is regarded as the 'gateway' to the Soul. The fifth and concluding part of this article explores this fascinating plant brew from the Amazon Rainforest.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Campus Ministry Ideas

Campus Ministry Ideas

Campus ministry is vital to any community with a local school, college or large student population. This type of ministry is fluid since every generation is defined by different cultural trends, such as texting and Facebook. To meet the needs of students, campus ministers must be intentional and awa

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Brain Wave Therapy; How Does It Work?

Brain Wave Therapy; How Does It Work?

Brain wave therapy works because people are always looking to try and make some positive changes in their lives. Brain wave therapy takes the basic understanding that the brain controls all other part