A property developer in England has had to stop work on the housing development at Crowley Hall, after claims of mysterious paranormal happenings.
Steven Newton of Manchester, had recently bought Crowley Hall and intended to turn it into housing. It had previously been reported that his team of workers had found bones hidden behind a fireplace, enough for four human bodies. It was just after this finding that the haunting supposedly began.
"Some of the events here have got so bad, that the builders I brought in, have refused to come back in the building. Rumours spread quickly, so it is becoming very difficult finding workers that will come here."
One of the workers, who wanted to remain anonymous, told us that he had been working on replacing some flooring, when his toolbox flew across the room and smashed against the wall. He also told us of occasions when some of the other workers were physically pushed, on one occasion, almost down a flight of stairs. It was when one of the workers was bitten by an unseen force, that they felt they couldnt continue to work there any longer. This has left Steven in a position where he has had to call in expert help.
"The police told me that there is nothing I could do, so I called in a team of ghost hunters. I think the police thought that I was making it all up."
Crowley Hall, built in the late nineteenth century, has had it's fair share of controversy over the years. Originally built to operate as a hospital, then mental asylum, it ceased serving this purpose when its founder, Dr. Bernard Leys, died of a heart attack during an operation. It was after this incident that rumours surfaced of Dr. Leys carrying out unsanctioned tests on inmates. This has never been verified, due to a fire that broke out at the Hall, destroying all of Dr. Leys' notes and records.
Crowley Hall lay abandoned for many years, before re-opening in 1970 as a children's hospital. There are a number of reported occurrences of strange paranormal happenings during it's time as a hospital. Paranormal activity got so bad at one point, that a spiritual medium was supposedly brought to the hall to cleanse it of all evil spirits. Again, this cannot be verified, although no further reports of paranormal activity have been reported after this supposed cleansing. The hospital was shut down gain when a bigger children's hospital was built nearby.
The old hall was purchased by Steven in 2005. He was never a believer in ghost and the paranormal until these incidents. He brought in the team of ghost hunters to help explain the mysterious happenings, and he hopes to learn more about the afterlife from all this.
"I just want to know what's happening here. Until then, I feel as though I am just going mad."
Steven Newton of Manchester, had recently bought Crowley Hall and intended to turn it into housing. It had previously been reported that his team of workers had found bones hidden behind a fireplace, enough for four human bodies. It was just after this finding that the haunting supposedly began.
"Some of the events here have got so bad, that the builders I brought in, have refused to come back in the building. Rumours spread quickly, so it is becoming very difficult finding workers that will come here."
One of the workers, who wanted to remain anonymous, told us that he had been working on replacing some flooring, when his toolbox flew across the room and smashed against the wall. He also told us of occasions when some of the other workers were physically pushed, on one occasion, almost down a flight of stairs. It was when one of the workers was bitten by an unseen force, that they felt they couldnt continue to work there any longer. This has left Steven in a position where he has had to call in expert help.
"The police told me that there is nothing I could do, so I called in a team of ghost hunters. I think the police thought that I was making it all up."
Crowley Hall, built in the late nineteenth century, has had it's fair share of controversy over the years. Originally built to operate as a hospital, then mental asylum, it ceased serving this purpose when its founder, Dr. Bernard Leys, died of a heart attack during an operation. It was after this incident that rumours surfaced of Dr. Leys carrying out unsanctioned tests on inmates. This has never been verified, due to a fire that broke out at the Hall, destroying all of Dr. Leys' notes and records.
Crowley Hall lay abandoned for many years, before re-opening in 1970 as a children's hospital. There are a number of reported occurrences of strange paranormal happenings during it's time as a hospital. Paranormal activity got so bad at one point, that a spiritual medium was supposedly brought to the hall to cleanse it of all evil spirits. Again, this cannot be verified, although no further reports of paranormal activity have been reported after this supposed cleansing. The hospital was shut down gain when a bigger children's hospital was built nearby.
The old hall was purchased by Steven in 2005. He was never a believer in ghost and the paranormal until these incidents. He brought in the team of ghost hunters to help explain the mysterious happenings, and he hopes to learn more about the afterlife from all this.
"I just want to know what's happening here. Until then, I feel as though I am just going mad."