Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Perfect Intention is From Spirit Instead of Ego

Perfect Intention is From Spirit Instead of Ego

There are times when we manifest what we intended but we aren't happy or fulfilled although we got what we wanted. That is because we have intended based on what we think we should want or other people's idea of what we should want instead of what we truly desire. When we try to form defin

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How To Attract Christians And Others To Your Ministry Through The Internet

How To Attract Christians And Others To Your Ministry Through The Internet

Did you know the best way to attract Christians and others to your ministry at the Internet as well as the traditional world? Not? That is writing articles? Write articles just about anything in your life and ministry. Another thing is to write testimonies about what God is doing through your minist

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Jesus' Home Life - Now Revealed

Jesus' Home Life - Now Revealed

Most Christians do not bother about Jesus' home life, the so-called hidden years of Jesus in Nazareth. They think that what is important for them is his public life, the last 3 to 4 years of his life when he preached, taught, suffered and died. They do not realize that Jesus' hidden life o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Christian Gifts Product Review Of Memorial Angels

Christian Gifts Product Review Of Memorial Angels

A new and unique patented item available online takes the shape of metal art angels that are mainly intended for attaching to granite headstones as decorative additional cemetery memorials to be given as bereavement gifts. They can also serve as decorations in settings such as gardens and patios sin

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Fascination With Celebrity: A Spiritual View

The Fascination With Celebrity: A Spiritual View

Our daily lives are filled with multiple choices that determine what we do. We could choose to spend our time learning about the advances that science has made in discerning what is happening with our oceans and glaciers as a result of global warming; or in the prediction of weather patterns; or in

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why Organize a Women's Ministry Event?

Why Organize a Women's Ministry Event?

One of the main objectives of a women's ministry is to give women in a church the chance to socialize and foster camaraderie. By building strong relationships with their fellow members, women will learn to encourage and support one another in their pursuit for spiritual growth. A women's m

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: To Be Rewarded By God, You Must First Seek Him Out

To Be Rewarded By God, You Must First Seek Him Out

In Israel on October 7th, the Jewish people held a ceremony in honor of the Ten Days of Repentance at the Temple Mount where they cried out unto the Lord. In unison, men gathered last month as one voice due to the relentless terrorization facing the nation of Israel.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Proverbs 1 8-19 - Bible Study

Proverbs 1 8-19 - Bible Study

We need to listen to the teachings of our parents and elders to gain the years of wisdom that they have received.By learning from another's mistakes we do not have to make the same ones.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Vacation at Meditation Retreats - A Unique Getaway

Vacation at Meditation Retreats - A Unique Getaway

Meditation and Vacation In 21st century when the world is moving at a rapid pace, where there is so much competition all around, everyone needs to take stop and take some rest. Rest can be ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Saint Christopher

Saint Christopher

Learn about Saint Christopher and the prayer topics he specializes in responding to...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Karva Chauth Story

Karva Chauth Story

The Karva Chauth Story is better understood by the festival which is celebrated by Hindu women in North India in which married women fast from sunrise to moonrise for the safety and long life of their

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Welcome With Open Arms

Welcome With Open Arms

In early 18th century England, George Psalmanazar fooled practically everyone with his outrageous tales of the imaginary land of Formosa. Nothing seems to be excluded from his book, lending it a convi

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535)

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535)

One of the best known occult writers is Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Born in France, he was periodically denounced but never formally accused or tried for his interests in magic and the occult. His work "Three Books About Occult Philosophy" was a major influence on later thinkers such as Jo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why God is NOT Angry When You Sin

Why God is NOT Angry When You Sin

Today I'm attacking Christian Religion Lie #33: "God Is Angry When You Sin".Is God REALLY angry when you sin?Does sin make Him so angry He can't even look at you or is disappointed in you?Read this article now to get the answers to these questions and more!