Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Different Characteristics of Men and Women From God

    Physical State

    • In John 4:24, Jesus told the Samaritan woman that God is Spirit. For this reason, he is not limited by either space or time. He can be everywhere. Psalm 139:7-10 points out that no matter where you go, you can't escape God's presence. Since humans are flesh rather than spirit, they live in a particular space and time. Unlike God, they are limited to one location at a time.


    • When Moses asked God his name in Exodus 3:13-14, God replied "I Am Who I Am." This response indicated that God is eternal. He existed from the very beginning and his existence will continue forever. He cannot die. Psalm 102:25-27 says that the heavens and the earth will perish, but God will remain, and his years will never end. Human life is finite. Hebrews 9:27 says that everyone is appointed to die. Unlike God, a person's life on earth begins when he is born and ends when he dies. He does not exist except by a force outside of himself.


    • God is omniscient, which means he knows everything. Psalm 33 says that God watches everyone from heaven. Hebrews 4:13 says that nothing in creation is hidden from God. He can see the past, present, and future all at once, which is why humans can trust him to direct their path. Human knowledge is limited to the past and the present, unless God gives them special knowledge of the future as he did with the prophets.


    • God is the most powerful being who exists. The opening chapters of Genesis describe how he created the earth from nothing and created man from the dust. Because of God's power, he can orchestrate events as he did in Exodus when he delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. Humans can create only by using what God has already created. They have only limited control over life's events.


    • In 1 John 1:5, John says that God is light and in him there is no darkness. This means that God is perfect. He has never sinned, nor will he ever sin. Humans were born into sin. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. However, God provided a way for humans to rectify the situation by accepting Jesus as their savior. 1 Corinthians 15:3 says that Jesus Christ died for our sins and 2 Corinthians 5:19 says that God reconciled the world to himself through Christ.

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